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Author List
A'Beckett, William
A'Court, William
Abbot, Charles
Abbot, James
Abbott, Thomas Eastoe
Abdy, Maria
Abington, L. J.
Ackland, James
Ackland, Thomas Gilbank
Acton, Eliza
ADAIR, James
Adam, William
Adams, Gamaliel Zelotes
Adams, John
Adams, John Quincy
Adams, John Turvill
Adams, M.
Adams, Thomas
Adams, Thomas
Adams, Thomas
Adams, William Bridges
Adcock, Anna
Addison, Jane
Addison, Richard
Addison, Robert
Adie, Charles Morgan
Adye, James
Affleck, James
Ager, Thomas
Ager, William
Agg, John
Aikin, John
Aikin, Lucy
Aikman, James
Ainslie, Hew
Ainslie, Whitelaw
Ainsworth, William Harrison
Aird, Andrew
Aird, Thomas
Aitken, John
Akenside, Mark
Albin, Thomas
Albinovanus, C. Pedo
Alcock, Mary
Alexander, Hugh
Alexander, James Lynne
Alexander, Levy
Alexander, S. C.
Alexander, Samuel
Alexander, William
Alfieri, Vittorio
Alford, Henry
Allan, Adam
Allen, Benjamin
Allen, Brasseya
Allen, Elizabeth
Allen, James
Allen, John
Allen, John
Allen, John Carter
Allen, Jonathan
Allen, Lucy
Allen, Paul
Allen, Robert
Allen, Thomas Sewell
Allen, William
Alley, Jerome
Alley, Peter
Allibond, John
Alline, Henry
Allnatt, Charles Atherton
Allston, Washington
Alsop, Richard
Alves, James
Alves, Robert
Ambrosse, Samuel Bertie
Amphlett, J.
Amphlett, W.
Anderson, Alexander
Anderson, David
Anderson, Edward
Anderson, Joseph
Anderson, Leroy
Anderson, Robert
ANDERSON, Thomas Ajax
Anderson, William
Anderson, William
Andre, John
Andre, Yves Marie
Andrews, Edward Wigglesworth
Andrews, Hannah
Andrews, James Pettit
Andrews, Miles Peter
Andrews, William
Anketell, John
Ansell, Thomas
Anson, Francis Harcourt
Anster, John Martin
Anstey, Christopher
Anstey, John
ANSTEY, Thomas
Anstey, Thomas
Anstice, Joseph
Antrobus, J.
ap Gwilym, Davyth
Apollonius, Rhodius
Apperley, Charles Owen
Appleton, Elizabeth
Arbouin, James
Archer, Henry Playsted
Archer, Thomas
Arden, Francis
Ariosto, Lodovico
Armitage, J.
Armstrong, A. W.
Armstrong, Henry W. G.
Armstrong, John
Armstrong, William Henry
Arnault, Antoine Vincent
Arnold, Josias Lyndon
Arnold, Samuel James
Arnot, Hugo
Arnot, James
Arnott, David
Arnould, Joseph
Arthur, Grace
Ash, Charles Bowker
Ashburnham, William
Ashby, Edward
Ashby, Samuel
Ashe, Nicholas
ASHE, Thomas
Ashfield, Charles Robert
Ashley, John
Ashton, Robert
Ashworth, Percy
ASHWORTH, Richard Whitfield
Assheton, William
Astley, Francis Dukinfield
Aston, Edward
Aston, James
Aston, Joseph
Astrop, Robert Francis
Atherstone, Edwin
Atkin, John
Atkins, Henry
Atkins, James
Atkins, John
Atkinson, Charles
Atkinson, James
Atkinson, Joseph
Atkinson, Sarah
Atkinson, Thomas
Atkinson, W. I.
Atkinson, William
Atlee, Edwin Augustus
Attersoll, Ann
Atwood, Henry Adams Sergison
Atwood, John
Atwood, Joshua
Auld, Jedediah Blakeney
Austin, Samuel Cooper
Auther, John
Aveline, E. L.
AVELING, Thomas William Baxter
Avery, Sarah
Aykroyd, Joseph
Aytoun, William Edmondstoune
Bachelor, Thomas
Bacon, Robert
Bacon, William Thompson
Badham, Charles
Badnall, Richard
Bagnall, Edward
Bailey, Benjamin
Bailey, Isaac
Bailey, John J.
Bailey, Mary
Bailey, Thomas
Bailey, William
Baillie, Alexander
Baillie, Joanna
Baillie, Marianne
Bain, Donald
Baker, George
Baker, Henry
Baker, John
Baker, John
Baker, Samuel
BAKER, Thomas
Baker, Thomas
Baker, William Bennett
Baker, William Deal
Baker, William Richard
Bakewell, Thomas
Baldovini, Francesco
Baldwin, Elizabeth
Baldwin, Lewis
Balfour, Alexander
Balfour, John
Balfour, Mary
Ball, Edward
Ball, John
Ball, Jonathan
BALL, William
BALL, William
Ball, William
Ballantine, J.
Ballantyne, Hermione
Ballard, Edward George
Ballou, Silas
Balmanno, Mary
Bamford, Samuel
Bampfylde, John Codrington Warwick
Bancroft, George
Bancroft, Thomas
Banim, John
Banim, Michael
Banks, John Waters
Bannerman, Anne
Banton, John
Barbauld, Anna Laetitia
Barber, John
Barbour, John
Barbour, John Gordon
Barclay, John
Barclay, Lawrance
Barham, Richard Harris
Barham, Thomas Foster
Barker, James Nelson
Barker, Jemima
Barker, Mary
Barker, Samuel
Barlow, Joel
Barlow, John
Barnard, Anne
Barnard, Edward William
Barnard, Robert
Barnard, Samuel
Barnes, Esther
Barnes, John
Barnes, William
Barns, Lucy
Baron Wilson, Margaret
Baron, Robert Webb Stone
BARR, John Templeton
Barre, William
Barrell, Maria
Barrell, Polly
Barrett, Eaton Stannard
Barrett, Elizabeth
Barrie, James
Barrow, James
Barrow, John
Barry, Garrett
Bartholomew, John
Bartlet, Joseph
Bartlett, J. M.
Bartlett, Joseph
Barton, Bernard
Barton, Robert Cutts
Baruh, S.
Barwick, Henry
Bassett, William
Bast, A. P.
Bastien, P.
Bates, Elisha
Bates, Issachar
Bates, John
Bath, Elizabeth
BATHURST, William Hiley
Battier, Henrietta
Battine, William
BATTY, Christopher
Batty, William
Baxter, John
Bayard, Samuel John
Bayfield, Elizabeth Gertrude
Bayley, Cornwall
Bayley, Frederick William Naylor
Bayley, John
Bayley, Peter
Baylis, Edward
Bayly, Henry
Bayly, Nathaniel Thomas Haynes
Baynes, Edward Dacres
Beach, Samuel Bellamy
Beaman, Charles Cotesworth
Beathe, Morgan
Beatson, John
Beattie, Alexander
Beattie, George
Beattie, James
Beattie, James Hay
Beattie, William
Beattie, William
Beatty, Thomas Edward
Beaumont, John
Beavan, Edward
Beck, Thomas
Becket, Andrew
Beddoes, Thomas Lovell
Bedford, Thomas
Bedingfeld, Thomas
Beeman, Anna
Beesley, Alfred
Beeston, Samuel
Beggs, Thomas
Belcher, William
Beldam, Joseph
Belfour, Hugo John
Belfour, John
Bell, Bridget
Bell, George
Bell, George
Bell, Henry Glassford
Bell, James
Bell, John
BELL, John
Bell, John Montgomerie
Bell, Reginald
Bell, Thomas
Bell, Walter
Bell, William B.
Bellamy, Daniel
Bellamy, James W.
Bellamy, Thomas
Bellew, Robert
Beloe, William
Benedict, Alanson
Benedict, David
Benett, William
Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy
Benjamin, Park
Bennet, John
Bennett, Charles Frederick
Bennett, George J.
Bennett, John
Bennett, Joseph William
Bennett, Richard
Bennoch, William
Benson, Richard
Benson, White
Bentley, C. C.
Bentley, Elizabeth
Bentley, John
Bentley, Samuel
Bentley, William
Benton, William Henry
BENWELL, William
Berchoux, Joseph
Beresford, Benjamin
Beresford, Hamilton Sydney
Beresford, James
Beresford, Richard
Berguer, Lionel Thomas
Berkeley, George Monck
Bernard, Valentine Lumley
Berni, Francesco
Berquin, Arnaud
Berry, T.
Best, John Richard
Best, Thomas
Betham, Matilda
Bethell, John
Bethune, John
Bettner, George
Beugo, John
Beuler, Jacob
Beverley, Charlotte
Beverley, Elizabeth
Beverley, Robert Mackenzie
BEVIL, Elizabeth Iliff
Bickley, Lloyd Wharton
Bicknell, Alexander
Bicknell, John
Bicknell, John Laurens
Biddulph, Thomas T.
Bidlake, John
Bidwell, Barnabas
Bigelow, Abijah
Bigelow, Jacob
Bigelow, Samuel
Biglow, William
Bigsby, Sophia Mary
BILBY, Thomas
Billinge, Charles
Billinghurst, J.
Bingham, Margaret
Bingham, Peregrine
Bingley, Henry
Binney, Amos
Birch, Eliza
Birch, George
Birch, Samuel
Birch, William
Bird, Charles Smith
Bird, James
Bird, John
Bird, Richard
Birkett, Mary
Birnie, Moses
Birrell, Andrew
Bishop, James
Bishop, Mary
Bishop, Samuel
Bisset, James
Bissett, James
Bitaube, Paul Jeremie
Black, John
Black, John
Blackall, Elizabeth
Blacket, Joseph
Blackett, Mary Dawes
Blackley, Thomas
Blacklock, Thomas
Blaikie, G. W.
Blair, Robert
Blair, Thomas
Blake, Louisa
Blake, William
Blanchard, Anne
Blanchard, Samuel Laman
Bland, John
Bland, Robert
Blauvelt, A.
Blease, Elizabeth Bower
Bleecker, Ann Eliza
Blennerhassett, Margaret
Blewitt, Reginald James
Bligh, Arthur
Bliss, Henry
Blodget, Joseph
Bloomfield, George
Bloomfield, Nathaniel
Bloomfield, Robert
Bloxham, Mark
Boaden, James
Boccaccio, Giovanni
Bodman, Manoah
Boiardo, Matteo Maria
Boldero, Christian
Bolland, William
Bolton, Aquila M.
Bolton, Nathaniel
Bonaparte, Lucien
Bond, C. R.
BOND, Thomas
Bonhote, Elizabeth
Bonnefons, Jean
Bonney, Francis A. B.
Bonthron, Mrs.
Boodey, Joseph
Booker, Luke
Boone, James Shergold
Boone, Thomas Charles
Booth, David
Booth, Henry
Booth, W.
Boothby, Brooke
Borrow, George
Boscawen, William
Boswell, Alexander
Boswell, George
Boswell, James
Boswell, Robert
Botsford, Margaret
Bottomley, Samuel
Boucher, Barton
Boulton, Thomas
Bounden, Joseph
Bourke, Hannah Maria
Bourne, Jane
Bourne, John Gervas Hutchinson
Bousfield, Frances Brackenbury
Bousfield, Henry Newham
Bowden, John
Bowden, John William
Bowdler, Henrietta Maria
Bowdler, Jane
Bowdler, John
Bowen, M.
Bowen, Melesina
Bowes, Mary Eleanor
Bowick, James
Bowles, Caroline Anne
Bowles, William Lisle
Bowra, William
Bowring, John
Boyce, Thomas
Boyd, Henry
Boyd, Hugh Macaulay
Boyd, Hugh Stuart
Boyd, John
Boyd, William
Boyle, John Magor
Brackenbury, Joseph
Brackenbury, Robert Carr
Brackenridge, Hugh Henry
Bracket, John
Brackett, Joseph Warren
Bradberry, David
Bradburn, R.
Bradfield, Henry Joseph Steele
Bradford, John
Bradford, Thomas
Bradstreet, Robert
Brady, Charles
Brady, Maziere
Brainard, John Gardiner Calkins
Branagan, Thomas
Branch, Amaziah
Branch, William, Jr.
Brand, Hannah
Brand, John
Brander, Alexander Cosmo
Brandon, Isaac
Brandreth, Henry
Brashears, Noah
Bray, Edward Atkyns
Brayley, Edward Wedlake
Breck, Charles
Bree, John
Brent, William
Brerewood, Thomas
Breton, Eliab
Brettell, Ann
Brettell, Jacob
Brewer, George
Brewer, Henry
Brewster, Edward
Brice, Andrew
Brice, Thomas
BRIDEL, Edmund Philip
BRIDGE, Samuel
Bridges, Matthew
Bridges, Thomas
Bridgwater, Henry
Briggs, Flavius Josephus
Briggs, John
Bright, John Henry
Brimmer, George
Bristow, Amelia
Bristow, John Charles
Bristow, Whiston
Briton, D. A.
Brittain, Thomas Lewis
Brittan, Thomas S.
Brittle, Barnaba
Britton, Frances
Brock, Thomas
Brockhurst, Joseph Sumner
Brockway, Thomas
BROMBY, George
BRONTE, Patrick
Brook, William John
BROOKE, Charlotte
Brooke, Frances
Brooke, Henry
Brookes, J.
Brooks, James Gordon
Brooks, Mary Abigail
Brooks, Mary Elizabeth
Brooks, William
Broome, Ralph
Broster, John
Broster, Joseph
Brothers, R.
Broughton, Brian
Broughton, Eliza
Broughton, John
Brown, Alexander
Brown, Charles
Brown, David Paul
Brown, Erastus
Brown, Frederick W. A. S.
Brown, Henry
Brown, Hugh
Brown, James
Brown, James
Brown, James
Brown, James
Brown, James Baldwin
Brown, James Pennycook
Brown, James Robert
Brown, John
Brown, John
Brown, Josiah
BROWN, Louisa
Brown, Margaret
Brown, Robert
Brown, Robert
Brown, Robert Dunmoor Craufurd
Brown, Solyman
Brown, Thomas
BROWN, Thomas
Brown, William Laurence
Browne, A. W.
Browne, Isaac Hawkins
Browne, John
Browne, Mary Ann
Browne, Richard Lewis
Browne, Thomas
Browne, Thomas
Browne, Thomas
Browne, William
Browne, William
Brownell, William
Browning, Robert
Bruce, Archibald
Bruce, David
Bruce, George
Bruce, George
Bruce, James
Bruce, Kenneth
Bruce, Michael
Bruen, Lewis
Brundish, John Jelliand
Bryan, Daniel
Bryan, George
Bryan, Mary
Bryant, John Frederick
Bryant, Michael
Bryant, William Cullen
Bryanton, Robert Crowe
Brydges, Samuel Egerton
Bryson, William Alexander
Buchan, David Home
Buchan, Peter
Buchanan, Andrew
Buchanan, George
Buchanan, Robert
Buchanan, Robert
Buchannan, John
Bucke, Charles
Buckstone, John Baldwin
Buckworth, John
Budworth, Joseph
Buell, Samuel
Buffum, Gaskill
Bulfinch, Benjamin S.
Bulfinch, Stephen Greenleaf
Bull, John
Bull, John
Bullen, Sarah
Bullock, Henry
Bulmer, Agnes
Bulwer, Edward Lytton
Bulwer, William Henry Lytton Earle
Bunbury, Henry William
Bunce, William
Bunn, Alfred
Bunney, Joseph
Bunting, William Maclardie
Burder, George
Burder, Sophia Maria
BURDON, George
Burdy, Samuel
BĂśRGER, Gottfried Augustus
Burges, George
BURGES, George
Burges, James Bland
Burges, Margaret
Burgess, Elizabeth
Burgess, George
Burgess, Thomas
Burk, John
Burke, A.
Burke, Thomas Travers
BURN, James
Burnby, John
Burness, John
Burnet, Richard
Burnet, Thomas
Burnet, Thomas
BURNEY, Frances
BURNS, Robert
BURNS, Robert
Burrell, Sophia
Burroughs, Francis
Burt, Adam
Burt, William
BURTON, Charles
Burton, Charles
Burton, Harriet Emma
Burton, Margaret
Burton, W.
Burton, W.
Bury, Catherine Maria
Bury, Charlotte Susan Maria
Busby, C. S. B.
Busby, Thomas
Bush, Thomas
Busk, Hans
Bustard, John
Butcher, Edmund
Butler, Ann
Butler, George
Butler, Harriette
Butler, Piers Edmund
Butler, Samuel
Butler, Weeden
Butler, William Joseph
BUTT, George
Butt, George
BUTT, George Medd
Butterworth, James
Button, John V.
By, William
Byerley, J. Scott
Byles, George
Bynum, Turner, Jr.
Byrne, John Francis
Byrne, Mary
Byron, George Gordon Noel
Cabanel, Daniel
Cady, Eunice
Cain, Robert
Calcott, Jane Berkeley
Caldecott, C.
Calder, William
Caldwell, Charles
Callanan, Jeremiah J.
Callen, James
Callender, James Thomson
Calvert, George Henry
Cambridge, Richard Owen
Cameron, Ewen
Cameron, John
Cameron, Lucy Lyttelton
Cameron, William
Cameron, William
Camões, Luis de
Campbell, Alexander
Campbell, Ann
Campbell, Dorothy Primrose
Campbell, Hugh Young
Campbell, James
Campbell, Robert Calder
Campbell, Thomas
Campbell, Zenas
Candler, Ann
Canning, George
Canning, T.
Cannon, Charles James
Cannon, M. Maria
Capp, Mary Elizabeth
Capper, Louisa
Carey, David
Carey, Elizabeth Sheridan
Carey, George Saville
Carey, James
Carey, Mathew
Carey, Patrick
Carey, William Paulet
Cargill, John
CARLYLE, Alexander
Carlyle, Joseph Dacre
Carlyle, Robert
Carmichael, Andrew Blair
Carmichael, Rebekah
Carnall, Robert
Carne, John
Carnegie, George Fullerton
Carnes, Hannah
Carpenter, Samuel
Carpenter, Thomas
Carpenter, William
Carr, Jane
Carr, John
Carr, John
CARR, John Francis
Carr, William
Carr, William Windle
Carrington, Nicholas Toms
Carruthers, John
CARSON, Joseph
CARSTAIRS, Christian
Carter, Bernard Moore
Carter, Elizabeth
Carter, George Redsull
Carter, John
Carter, Nathaniel Hazeltine
Carter, William
Cartwright, Edmund
Cartwright, Frances Dorothy
Cartwright, George
Cartwright, William
Cartwright, William
Carver, William
Carwithen, William
Cary, Henry Francis
Cary, Thomas
Case, W.
CASE, Wheeler
Caselli, Elizabeth
Cassan, Sarah
Casson, Henry
CASTI, Giovanni Battista
Castillo, John
CATO, Marcus Portius
Cattermole, Richard
CATULLUS, Caius Valerius
Caulfeild, Frances Sally
Caulfeild, John
Caulfield, James
Caunter, John Hobart
Caunter, Richard McDonald
Causton, John Davis
CAVENDISH, Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
Cawdell, James
Cawdell, James Martin
Cawthorn, James
Cayley, Cornelius
Celesia, Dorothea
Chadwick, Adam
Chadwick, Mary
Chalklen, Charles William
Challoner, T.
Chalmers, Margaret
Chaloner, John
Chamberlin, Mason
Chambers, James
Chambers, Robert
Champion, Anthony
Champion, Joseph
Champneys, Thomas Swymmer
Chandler, Charles
Chandler, David
Chandler, John Westbrooke
Chantrell, Mary Ann
Chapin, Pelatiah
Chapman, Jane
Chapman, Joseph
Chapman, Matthew James
Chapman, W. H.
Chapman, William
Chapone, Hester
Charles, Duke of Orleans
Charleton, T. W.
Charlton, John K. M.
Charlton, William Henry
Charnock, John
Chater, Thomas
Chatterton, Stephen
Chatterton, Thomas
Cheek, Elizabeth
Cheetham, Robert Farren
Cheever, Ezekiel
Cheffins, Samuel
Chenevix, Richard
Cherry, Andrew
Chester, Harry
Chetwynd, Mary Anne
Child, Lydia Maria
Child, William
Chivers, Thomas Holley
Chown, William
Christian, T. P.
Christie, Albany Henry
Christie, James
Christie, William
Christmas, Henry
Christmas, Joseph Stibbs
Church, Edward
Church, John
Church, John Henry
Churchey, Walter
Churchill, J.
Churchill, W.
Clapp, Samuel Capen
Clapperton, William
Clare, John
Claris, John Chalk
Clark, Asahel
Clark, Charles
Clark, Emily
Clark, Esther
Clark, Ewan
Clark, Isaac
Clark, John
Clark, Kennedy
Clark, Victorianus
Clark, Willis Gaylord
Clarke, Ann
Clarke, Anne
Clarke, G. Wallingford
Clarke, George Somers
Clarke, Hugh
Clarke, J.
Clarke, John Bertridge
Clarke, McDonald
Clarke, Richard
Clarke, Stephen Reynolds
Clarke, Thomas C.
Clarke, William Branwhite
Clarkson, Edward
Clason, Isaac Starr
Claughton, Thomas Legh
Clay, John
Claypool, James
Cleavland, Benjamin
Clifford, Arthur
Clifford, Morgan Morgan
Clifton, William
Clinckett, Mary Abel
Clinton, Henry Fynes
Clubbe, William
Coates, James
Coates, John
Cobb, James
Cobbett, William
Cobbin, Ingram
Cobbold, Edward
Cobbold, Elizabeth
Cobbold, Richard
Cobbold, Robert Henry
Cobby, John
Cochrane, John
Cock, James
Cockburn, Adam
Cockburn, William
Cockin, William
Cockings, George
Cockle, Mary
Cocks, Sarah
Cocksedge, Roger
Cody, Isaac
Coffeen, John F.
Coffin, Alexander
Coffin, Robert Stevenson
Coffin, William A.
Coffing, Churchill
Coldwell, William
Cole, Adeline
Cole, Benjamin Thomas Halcott
Cole, Charles
Cole, John
COLE, Matilda
Cole, Thomas
Cole, William
Cole, William
Coleridge, Hartley
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Coleridge, Sara
Coles, Charles Barwell
Colesworthy, Daniel Clement
Coller, Duffield William
Collett, James
Collett, John
Collier, John
Collier, John Payne
Collier, Mary
Collier, R.
Collier, William
Colling, Mary Maria
Collins, Charles
Collins, Edward
Collins, Francis
Collins, John
Collins, Miss
Collins, William
Collins, William
Colls, John Henry
Colman, George, the elder
Colman, George, the younger
Colmer, John
Colquitt, William
Colthurst, E.
Colton, Charles Caleb
Combe, William
Comber, Thomas
Comerford, Richard Esmond
Compton, Margaret
Comstock, William
Concanen, Matthew
Conder, Josiah
Congreve, George Thomas
Conkey, Mrs. M.
Conolly, James
Conolly, Luke Aylmer
Conwell, Columbus C.
Cook, Eliza
Cook, George
Cook, John Finall
Cooke, William
Cooke, William
Cooksey, Richard
Cookson, C.
Cookson, Mary Ann
Coombe, Sarah Matilda
Coombe, Thomas
Coombs, Benjamin
Cooper, Cecilia
Cooper, Grey
Cooper, Henry Fox
Cooper, James
Cooper, Maria Susanna
Cooper, Mrs.
Cooper, Myles
Cope, Harriett
Copland, Alexander
Copleston, John Gaius
Coppinger, Anna Maria de Burgh
Corbet, Richard
Cordingley, John
Corfield, Fredrick
Corkindale, Duncan
Cornish, Thomas Harttree
Cornwall, E.
Cornyn, Dominick
Corry, John
Cort, C. F.
Cosby, William
Cosens, John
Cossington, Jonathan
Costello, Louisa Stuart
Cotes, Henry
COTES, William
Cotter, George Sackville
Cotter, James Laurence
Cotterill, Thomas
Cottle, Amos Simon
Cottle, Joseph
Cotton, John
Cotton, Nathaniel
Coulson, Stephen
Couper, George W.
Couper, Robert
Courtenay, John
Courtenay, John, Jr.
Courtier, Peter Lionel
Coutier, Louisa H. R.
Cowdell, Thomas Daniel
Cowen, Isaac
Cowen, Jacob
Cowley, Hannah
Cowper, Maria Frances Cecilia
Cowper, William
Cox, Edward William
Cox, Elizabeth
Cox, George
Cox, George Duncombe
Cox, Henry Hamilton
Cox, James
Cox, John
Coxe, Edward
Coxe, Peter
Coxon, William
Coyle, Antony
Coyle, William H.
Coyte, Joseph William
Cozens, Zechariah
Crabbe, George
Crabbe, William
Cradock, Joseph
Crafts, William
Craig, John
Craig, William Marshall
Craik, John
Cramond, Hercules
Crane, John
Craven, Eliza Sutherland
Crawford, Charles
Crawford, David
Crawford, M.
Crawford, William
Crawley, Eliza
Creany, William
Crebar, Elizabeth
Creighton, James
CRESPIGNY, Caroline Champion de
CRESPIGNY, Mary Champion de
Cresswell, Henry
Crichton, Arthur
Crichton, Thomas
Cririe, James
Crisp, John
Cristall, Ann Batten
Crocker, Abraham
Crocker, Charles
Croft, Thomas Elmsley
Croker, John Wilson
Croker, Margaret Sarah
Croker, Thomas Crofton
Croly, George
Cromwell, Oliver
Cromwell, Thomas
Cronhelm, Frederick William
Crooker, Lemuel
Crosby, William George
Crosfield, Anne
Cross, G.
Cross, John Cartwright
Crosse, Thomas
Crossley, Thomas
Croswell, Joseph
Crow, William
Crowe, Eyre Evans
Crowe, William
Crowther, Mrs.
Culham, B. P.
Cumberland, George
Cumberland, Richard
Cumming, John
Cumming, Robert
Cumming, Thomas
Cummins, Edward
Cunningham, Allan
Cunningham, John
Cunningham, John William
Cunningham, Peter
Cunyngham, Alexander
Curling, Mary Anne
Curran, John Philpot
Currie, Helen
Cursham, Mary Anne
Curties, Marianne
Curtis, William
Cutts, Elizabeth
D'ALTON, Hawkins A.
D'Alton, John
D'Arblay, Alexander Charles Louis
D'Elville, Rinaldo
d'Estrees, Gabrielle
D'Israeli, Isaac
D'Oyly, Charles
Dabney, Richard
Dacre, Charlotte
Dagley, John
Dailey, William
Dalby, John Watson
Dale, Thomas
Dalee, Justus
Dallas, Alexander Robert Charles
DALLAS, George
DALLAS, Robert
Dallas, Robert Charles
DALLAS, Robert Charles
Dallaway, James
Dallor, Frances
Dalrymple, Hugh
Dalrymple, James
Dana, Richard Henry
Danby, William
Dance, Charles
Daniel, George
Daniell, Edward
Dante Alighieri
Darby, John
Darby, Thomas
DARBY, Thomas Elde
Dark, Mariann
Darley, George
Darling, Jessy
Darling, Patricia Rolland
Darling, Peter Middleton
Darling, Ralph
Darnell, W. N.
Dart, Henry
Darton, William
Darwall, Elizabeth
Darwin, Erasmus
Dash, Mary
Davan, Kingsmill
Davenport, Allen
Davenport, Edward Davies
DAVENPORT, Richard Alfred
Davenport, Rufus
David, Enoch
Davidson, Anthony
Davidson, David
Davidson, Henry
Davidson, Lucretia Maria
Davidson, Margaret
Davidson, Robert
Davidson, Robert
Davies, Blanche
Davies, E.
DAVIES, Edward
Davies, Edward
Davies, Jeremiah
Davies, John
Davies, William M. M.
Davis, Abijah
Davis, John
Davis, Martha Ann
Davis, Mary Ann
Davis, Mary Anne
Davis, Richard Bingham
Davison, A.
Davison, Phineas
Dawes, Manasseh
Dawes, Rufus
Dawes, Thomas
Dawson, M. A.
DAY, Elizabeth
Day, Esther
Day, Martha
Day, Thomas
Day, Thomas
Day, William
Daye, Eliza
De Brent, John
De Courcy, Richard
de Fleury, Maria
de Herberay, Nicolas
de Hita, Gines Perez
de Iriarte, Tomas
De Krafft, Maria
de Kruger, Frederick
de la Garde, Charles
De la Garde, Mary
de la Vega, Garcilaso
De La Voye, Marin J. George
De Peyster, Arent Schuyler
De Verdon, Thomas K.
De Witt, Susan
De-La-Cour, James
Deacon, Daniel
Deacon, Samuel
Deacon, William Frederick
Deakin, Henry Charles
Dealtry, Robert
Deane, Ebenezer
Deane, Samuel
Dearman, Richard
Deeble, Edward Bernard
Deering, Nathaniel
Delamayne, Thomas Hallie
Delano, Stephen
Delap, John
Delavigne, Casimir
Delille, Jacques
Dell, John
Delpini, Carlo Antonio
Denison, Edward
Denison, Henry
Denn, Patrick
Dennant, John
Denning, Elizabeth
Dennis, Thomas
Dennison, Peter
DENOVAN, James Farquhar
Denovan, John C.
Dent, Samuel
Derbyshire, George
Derenzy, Margaret
Dermody, Thomas
Derozio, Henry Louis Vivian
Devens, Richard
Deverell, Mary
Devereux, Rachel
Devonshire, Charles
Dew, Dyer
Dexter, Samuel
Dey, Richard Varick
DIBB, Robert
Dibdin, Charles
Dibdin, Charles, Jr.
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall
Dibdin, Thomas John
Dick, Robert
Dicken, Alldersey
Dickens, Thomas
Dickinson, Charles
Dickinson, Eleanor
Dickson, Stephen
Digby, Edward
Dillon, Henry Augustus
Dillon, John
Dimond, William
Dine, William
Dinsmoor, Robert
Disraeli, Benjamin
Dixon, Charlotte Eliza
Dixon, George Read
Dixon, George Washington
Dixon, Jacob
Dixon, Joseph
Dixon, Kennett
Dixon, Sophie
DIXON, Thomas
Doane, George Washington
Dobbs, Francis
Dobbs, James
Dobell, Samuel
Dodd, James Solas
Dodd, James William
Dodd, William
Doddridge, Philip
Dodge, H. M.
Dods, Mary Diana
Dodsworth, Anna
Doig, David
Dolbeare, Benjamin
Domett, Alfred
Donald, Robert
Donaldson, John
Donaldson, Thomas
Donlevy, J. T.
Donne, John
Donnelly, A.
Donoghue, J.
Donoughue, A.
Dorfhal, William Henry
Dornan, Robert
Dorset, Catherine Ann
Dorset, Michael
Dossey, William
Doubleday, Thomas
DOUGLAS, Alexander
Douglas, David
Douglas, Francis
Douglas, Neil
Douglas, Robert K.
Douthit, Samuel
Dovaston, John Freeman Milward
Dow, Alexander
Dow, Hendricus
Downer, Robert
Downes, George
Downes, William Macnamara
Downey, Thomas
Downing, George
Downing, Harriet
Downing, James
Downman, Hugh
Downs, William
Doyle, Francis Hastings
Drake, Jacob
Drake, Joseph Rodman
Drake, Nathan
Draper, Bourne Hall
Draper, William
Drayton, John Box
Drennan, William
Drew, Samuel
Drinkwater, Mark
Driver, Henry Austen
Drummond, George William Auriol Hay
Drummond, William
Drummond, William Hamilton
Drysdale, William
Du Bois, Matthew
du Fresnoy, Charles Alphonse
Du Wicquet, T. J.
Ducarel, Philip John
Duckett, J. H.
Dudley, Henry Bate
Dudley, Howard
Dudley, John
Dudley, Mary
Dudley, Mary Elizabeth
Duer, John
Duff, James
Dugall, George
Duigenan, Patrick
Duke, Seymour R.
Duke, William
Dumas, Alexander
Dunbar, James
Dunbar, John
Dunbar, Robert Nugent
Dunbar, William
Duncan, John
Dunch, Mary Elizabeth
Duncombe, Anne
Duncombe, John
Dundas, James Hamilton
Dunderdale, Robert
Dunkin, William
Dunlap, Jane
Dunlap, William
Dunlop, Frances Elizabeth
Dunnett, Jane
DUNSTAN, Jeffery
Dunster, Charles
Dunsterville, Ann
Dupré, Edward
Dupuis, Thomas Skelton
Durell, Edward
Durfee, Job
Durnford, William Spry
Dutton, Thomas
Dutton, Timothy
Dutton, Warren
Duval, John Edward
Dwarris, Fortunatus William Lilley
Dwight, Theodore
Dwight, Timothy
Dwyer, P. W.
Dyason, William
Dyer, George
Dyke, T. Webb
Dyster, Joseph Joshua
Eagles, John
Eagles, Thomas
Earle, Miss
Earle, Sandford
East, John
Eastburn, James Wallis
Eaton, B. A.
Eaton, Theophilus
Eaton, William
Eden, Frederick Morton
EDGAR, Charles Frederick
Edgar, Mary
Edgar, Thomas
Edmeston, James
Edmonstone, Archibald
Edridge, Rebecca
Edwards, Anna Maria
Edwards, Bryan
Edwards, Charles
Edwards, Frederick
Edwards, John
Edwards, John
Edwards, Miss
Edwards, P. H.
Edwards, Richard
EDWARDS, Richard
Eedes, John
Egan, Pierce
Egerton, Charles
Egerton, M.
Egleton, Stephen
Ekins, Jeffery
Elfe, Anne
Ellenwood, Henry S.
Ellet, Elizabeth Fries
Elliot, James
Elliot, Miss
Elliot, Nathaniel
Elliot, Samuel
Elliott, Ebenezer
Elliott, Ebenezer
Elliott, Edward Bishop
Elliott, James
Elliott, Mary
Elliott, William
ELLIOTT, William
Ellis, Erastus W. H.
Ellis, George
Ellis, George
ELLIS, James
Ellis, Jonathan
Ellis, Thomas Flower
Ellison, Henry
Ellison, Mr.
Elphinston, James
Elsdale, Samuel
Elton, Charles Abraham
Elwes, Adelaide
Ely, Ezra Stiles
Embury, Emma Catherine
Emerson, J.
Emmerson, Eliza
Emmons, Richard
Emra, Lucy
Engles, William Morrison
English, James Russell
English, Robert
English, Thomas
ENRAGHT, Baislie
Erskine, Andrew
Erskine, David
Erskine, David Stewart
Erskine, Eliza Bland
Erskine, Ralph
Erskine, Thomas
Erskine, William
Espener, Isabella
Estlack, Restore
Ethelston, Charles Wicksted
Ettrick, William
Etty, Robert
Eustace, John Chetwood
Eustaphieve, Alexei Grigorevich
Evance, Sarah
Evans, Ann
Evans, Evan
Evans, John
Evans, Lewis
Evans, Margaret
Evans, Nathaniel
Evans, Oliver
EVANS, Robert Maunsell
Evans, Robert Wilson
Evans, Thomas
Evatt, Anne
Eve, Joseph
Everard, Thomas
Everett, Alexander Hill
Everett, David
Everett, Edward
Everett, James
Ewart, W.
EWELL, Thomas
Ewing, Harriet
Exton, Richard Brudenell
Eyre, Edmund John
Eyre, Edward
Eyre, John
Fairbairn, John Clarkson
Fairbrother, Mary Ann
Fairfield, Sumner Lincoln
Fairweather, Mary
Falanzia, Mirtea
Falconar, Harriet
Falconar, Maria
Falconer, William
Fallow, Elizabeth
Fanshawe, Catherine Maria
Farhill, Edward
Farish, Charles
Farley, Mrs.
Farmer, Henry Tudor
Farmer, J. B.
Farmer, Richard
Farquhar, Ferdinand
Farquhar, William
Farrell, Sarah
Farrer, John
Faugeres, Margaretta Van Wyck
Fawcett, John
Fawcett, John
Fawcett, Joseph
Fayerman, Richard
Fea, John W.
Featherstonhaugh, George William
Feilding, Charles John
Feist, Charles
Felch, Walton
Fell, Elizabeth
Fell, Miss
Fellowes, Jeremiah
Fellowes, Robert
Fellows, John
FENBY, Thomas
Fenelon, F. de Salignac de la Mothe
Fenn, Ellenor
Fenn, James
Fennell, James
Fennell, Mr.
Fennell, Samuel
Fenner, David
Fenno, Jenny
Fentiman, Catherine
Fenton, Alexander Wilfrid
Fenton, George Livingstone
Fenton, Richard
Fenwick, Robert Orde
Ferguson, David Moncrieff
Ferguson, Thomas
Fergusson, Robert
Fernyhough, William
Ferreira, Antonio
Ferriar, John
Fessenden, Thomas Green
FIELD, Barron
Field, Samuel
Fielding, Allen
Fielding, William
Fiévée, Joseph
Filkes, John
Finch, Barbara
Finch, C.
Finch, William Stafford
Finlay, James
Finlay, John
Finlayson, William
Finn, Henry James William
Fish, Howard
Fisher, Henry
Fisher, James
Fisher, John
Fisher, John
Fisher, John Charlton
Fisher, Jonathan
Fisher, Joshua Bridges
Fitch, Elijah
Fitch, Joseph
Fitchett, John
Fitz Maurice, James
Fitz-gerald, W. R. Seymour
Fitzgerald, G.
Fitzgerald, G.
Fitzgerald, George-Robert
Fitzgerald, Gerald
Fitzgerald, James
Fitzgerald, Preston
Fitzgerald, Thomas
Fitzgerald, William
Fitzgerald, William
Fitzgerald, William Thomas
Fitzpatrick, Patrick Vincent
Fitzpatrick, Richard
Fitzwilliam, G. W.
Flanders, John, Jr.
FLECK, Catherine
Fleming, John
Fleming, Wilmington
Fletcher, Bridget
Fletcher, Caleb
Fletcher, Charles
Fletcher, Eliza
Fletcher, James
Fletcher, John
Fletcher, William
Flint, Micah P.
Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de
Flounders, Joseph
Flowerdew, Alice
Flowers, Frederick
Follen, Eliza Lee
Foot, Daniel
Foot, James
FOOT, James
Forbes, Peter
Forbes, William
Ford, Sarah Caroline
Fordyce, Alexander
Fordyce, James
Forrest, Michael
Forrester, Charles Robert
Forster, Edward
Forster, Fingal
Forster, John
Fortiguerra, Niccolo
Fortis, Alberto
Fortnum, Sophia
Fosbrooke, Thomas Dudley
FOSTER, Hugh Ker
Foster, Mark
Foster, Richard
Foster, Robert
Foster, William
Foster, William C.
Fowler, Andrew
Fowler, George
Fowler, William M.
Fox, Charles
Fox, Henry Richard
Fox, Samuel
Fox, William
Frame, James
Francis, Anne
Francis, Benjamin
Francis, Eliza Sarah
Francis, John
Francis, Sophia L.
Francklin, Thomas
Frank, Mary
Franklin, John George
Franklin, Robert
Franklin, S.
Frankum, Richard
Fraser, James
Fraser, Simon
Fraser, Susan
Fraser, W.
Frazer, John De Jean
Frazer, William
Frederick, King of Prussia
Freeman, Philip
Freeman, Rowland
Freeman, Stephen
Freeth, John
French, Captain
French, M. G. G.
French, Robert Nicholas
Freneau, Philip Morin
Frere, Benjamin
Frere, John Hookham
Freston, Anthony
Fricker, Thomas
Frier, John
Frier, Thomas
Frisbie, Levi
Frome, Samuel Blake
Frost, Quintin
Fry, Caroline
Fry, John
Fry, John
Fry, John
Fullarton, John
Furlong, Thomas
Furlong, W. Marianne
Furman, Garrit
FURNESS, Richard
Fyfe, Archibald
Gadsby, William
Gaggin, James
Gahagan, Henry
GAITES, Benjamin
Gale, Gustavus
Gale, Thomas
Gale, William
Gall, James
Gall, Richard
Gallagher, William Davis
Galliard, Bradshaw
Galloway, George
Galloway, Robert
Galt, John
Gambold, John
Gandy, Edward
Ganilh, Anthony
Garden, Charles
Garden, Francis
Gardiner, John Sylvester John
Gardiner, Marguerite
Gardiner, Richard
Gardiner, Susan H.
Gardiner, William
Gardner, Edward
Gardner, Richard
Garland, R. T.
Garrard, Eliza
Garratt, Thomas
Garraway, Ellen
Garrett, Samuel Raymond
Garrick, David
Garrington, Sarah
Garrison, William Lloyd
Gascoigne, Henry Barnet
Gaspey, Thomas
Gatty, Alfred
Gauld, Harry
Gauthern, William
Gay, James
Gay, John
Geary, Elizabeth
Geddes, Alexander
Geddes, James
Gellibrand, Joseph
Genin, Thomas Hedges
Genio, Arthur
GENT, Thomas
Gent, Thomas
Gentleman, Francis
Gerard, Ebenezer
Gerhard, John
Gerrie, John H.
Gerrond, John
Gessner, Solomon
GHOSH, Kasiprasad
Gibbons, Thomas
Gibbs, Phillips
Gibson, Charlotte Mary
Gibson, Francis
Gibson, H. S.
Gibson, John
Gibson, William
GIBSON, William
Giffard, Ambrose Hardinge
Giffard, James
Giffard, John
Gifford, William
Gilbank, William
Gilbert, William
Gilchrist, Octavius Graham
Gilchrist, Robert
Gilding, Elizabeth
Giles, Joseph
Gilfillan, Robert
GILLDEA, Caroline Charlotte Vesey
Gillespie, George W.
Gillespie, William
Gillet, Thomas
Gilley, William B.
Gillies, Robert Pearse
Gillum, William
Gilman, Samuel Foster
Gilmer, William
Gilmour, Robert
GILPIN, Joshua
GILPIN, Joshua
Girardin, Louis Hue
Girdlestone, John Lang
Gisborne, John
Gisborne, Thomas
Glanville, John
Glas, Alexander
Glass, James
GLASS, Willison
Glasse, Francis
Glassford, James
Glassford, William
Glen, James
Glen, William
Glendinning, William
Glover, Richard
Goddard, Henry
Goddard, J. G.
Godwin, Catherine Grace
Godwin, William
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Golden, William
Goldie, Emma Mary
Goldie, John
Goldingham, Henry
Goldring, Caroline Bamber
Goldsmith, John Borough
Goldsmith, Oliver
Goldsmith, Oliver, the younger
GOLLOP, George Tilly
Gomersall, Ann
GOMM, William Maynard
Gompertz, Isaac
Gooch, Elizabeth Sarah
Gooch, Rebecca
Gooch, Richard
Good, John Mason
Good, Joseph
Goodchild, Lawrence
Goode, William
Goodhall, James
Goodrick, A.
Goodwin, George
Goodwin, Thomas
Gordon, Jamima
Gordon, John
Gordon, Joseph
Gordon, William
Gore, Catherine Grace Frances
Gore, William
Goring, Henry
Gosse, Henry
Gough, Benjamin
Goulburn, Edward
Gould, Hannah Flagg
Gower, Francis Leveson
Gower, Samuel
Grady, Thomas
Graeme, James
Graham, Charles
Graham, Charles Vincent
Graham, John
Graham, John
Graham, Thomas
Graham, Walter
Grahame, James
Graile, John
Grant, Anne
Grant, Charles
Grant, James
Grant, Johnson
Grant, Joseph
Grant, William
Grantham, George
Grattan, Thomas Colley
Gravener, Thomas
Graves, Louisa Carolina
Graves, Richard
Gray, Charles
Gray, Charlesworth
Gray, Christian
Gray, George
Gray, James
Gray, John
Gray, Richardson
Gray, Robert
Gray, Robert
Gray, Thomas
Gray, Thomas, Jr.
Greatheed, Bertie
Greaves, Thomas Berkeley
Green, Edward
Green, George
Green, George
Green, James
Green, Samuel Frederick
Green, Thomas
Greene, Albert Gorton
Greene, Edward Burnaby
Greene, Octavius
Greene, Thomas
Greenfield, Andrew
Greenshields, John Boyd
Greensted, Frances
Greenwood, J.
Greenwood, Thomas
Greenwood, William
Gregg, John
Gregory, Edward Tighe
Gregory, James
Gregory, of Nazianzus
Gregson, John Stanley
Grenfell, John
Grenville, A. S.
Grenville, George Nugent
Gresley, Roger
Gresset, Jean Baptiste
Greswell, Richard
Greswell, William Parr
GREVILLE, Robert Fulke Murray
Gridley, Selah
Grieves, Jacob
Griffies, Thomas
Griffin, Edmund Dorr
Griffith, Isaac
Griffith, Richard
Griffiths, Daniel
Griffiths, J.
Grigg, Joseph
Grillparzer, Franz
Grimaldi, Stacey
Grinfield, Thomas
Grisenthwaite, William
Grocott, James
Groombridge, William
GROVER, Harriet
Grover, Henry Montague
Guarini, Giovanni Battista
Guerin, Bertrand
Guest, Moses
Guinness, Jane Mary Lucretia
Gunning, Susannah
Guppy, Sarah
Gurney, Maria
Gurney, Thomas
Guthry, John
Guy, J.
Guyon, Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Mothe
Gwilliam, John
Gyfford, Robert, Jr.
Gyles, William
Hackett, John Prendergast
Haggitt, John
Hague, Thomas
Haight, Sarah
Hailes, Nathaniel
Haines, Hiram
Hake, Henry
Hake, Thomas Gordon
Halady, Harry
Hale, Martha
Hale, Sarah Josepha
Hale, William
Hales, William
Halhed, Nathaniel Brassey
Hall, Henry Haverard
Hall, James
HALL, James
Hall, Peter
Hall, Samuel Carter
Hall, Sarah Ewing
HALL, Thomas
HALL, Thomas
Hall, Thomas
Hall, William
Hall, William Seward
Hallam, Arthur Henry
Halleck, Fitz-Greene
Haller, Albrecht von
Halling, Solomon
Halloran, Laurence Hynes
Halpin, Nicolas John
Halpin, William Henry
Halser, John
Ham, Elizabeth
Hamilton, Adam
Hamilton, Anne
Hamilton, George
Hamilton, Sarah
Hamilton, William Gerard
Hamley, Edward
Hamlin, Amos
Hampson, William
Hancock, Thomas
Hand, I.
Hands, Elizabeth
Hankinson, Thomas E.
Hanmer, John
Hanson, Joseph
Hanson, Levett
Hanson, Martha
Hanway, Jonas
Harby, Isaac
Hardaker, Joseph
Hardcastle, Eliza Mary
Hardie, James
Hardinge, George
Hardinge, Nicholas
Hardy, Philip Dixon
Hardynge, Hal
Harley, George Davies
Harley, James
Harmon, Nathaniel
Harney, John Milton
HARPER, Alexander
Harpley, Thomas
Harral, Thomas
Harris, Henrietta
Harris, John
Harris, Thaddeus Mason
Harrison, Anthony
Harrison, G. Y.
Harrison, Susanna
Harrison, William Henry
Harriston, William
Harrop, Edward Atkins
Hart, Mary Kerr
Hart, William
Hart, William Nevile
Hartley, John
Hartnoll, John
Hartson, Hall
Hartstonge, Matthew Weld
Harvey, George
Harvey, J. S.
Harvey, Jane
Harvey, Margaret
Harvey, Richard
Harvey, W. C.
Harvey, William
Harvie, John
Harwood, Charlotte
Harwood, John Edmund
Harwood, Thomas
Hasell, William Soranzo
Haskins, John
Haslett, Andrew
Hastings, Sally
Hastings, Thomas
Haswell, Anthony
Hatfield, Sibella Elizabeth
Hatheway, Noah
Hatt, Richard
Hattersley, John
HATTON, Ann Julia
Hatton, James
Hatton, William
Haven, Samuel
Hawke, Annabella Eliza Cassandra
Hawke, Martin Bladen Edward
Hawker, Robert Stephen
Hawkes, W.
Hawkes, William Robert
Hawkesworth, John
Hawkins, Francis
Hawkins, Joseph
Hawkins, Susannah
Hawkins, William
HAWKINS, William
Hawksley, John Webster
Hawley, William Fitz
Hawthorn, John
Hay, George
Hay, James
Hay, Mrs. M. H.
Hay, William
Hayes, John
Hayes, Samuel
Haygarth, William
Hayley, William
Haynes, James
Hayter, William
Hazard, Joseph
Head, Joseph
Head, Michael
Headlam, John
Headley, Henry
Headrick, James
Heald, William Margetson
Heard, Edward
Heard, William
Hearsey, Freeman
Heasell, Anne
Heath, James
Heath, James Ewell
Heath, William
Heathcote, Henry Thomas
Heber, Reginald
HEDGE, Henry Thomas
Hedge, Mary Ann
Heidiger, Paul
Hemans, Felicia Dorothea
Heming, Thomas
Hempel, Charles William
Henderson, Henry Barkley
Henderson, John
Henderson, William
Henkel, Paul
Hennett, Mrs.
Henningsen, Charles Frederick
Heraud, John Abraham
Herbert, Charles
Herbert, Daniel
Herbert, Henry John George
Herbert, Joseph
Herbert, Thomas
Herbert, Thomas
Herbert, William
Heriot, George
Heron, Mary
Heron, William
Herring, Thomas Sawyer
Hersee, William
Hersey, A. G.
HERVE, Charles
Hervey, Nathan
Hervey, Thomas Kibble
Heston, Jacob Franklin
Hetherington, William Maxwell
Hetrick, Robert
Hett, William
Hett, William
Hewerdine, William
Hewit, Alexander
Hewitt, Elizabeth Catherine
Hewitt, Richard Porter
Hewlett, Alfred
Hewlett, Elizabeth
Hey, Rebecca
Hey, Richard
Heyrick, John
Hickie, D. B.
Hicklin, John
Hiffernan, Paul
Higgin, John
Higgins, Joseph
Hildreth, William
Hiles, Mary
Hill, Alexander
Hill, Brian
Hill, Charles
Hill, Elizabeth
Hill, Frederic Stanhope
Hill, George
Hill, Isabel
Hill, John
Hill, Philippina Patience
Hill, Robert
Hill, Rowland
Hill, Thomas F.
Hillard, Isaac
Hillhouse, James Abraham
Hills, Elise
Hilton, William
Hinckley, John
Hincks, Edward
HINDLEY, John Haddon
Hindmarsh, Isabella
Hinds, Samuel
Hine, Benjamin
Hinton, John Howard
Hipkins, James
Hippesley, R.
Hird, James
Hirst, Thomas
Hitchcock, David
Hitchcock, Edward
Hitchener, Elizabeth
Hitchener, William Henry
Hitchings, Edward
Hitchins, Fortescue
Hoare, Charles James
Hoare, Prince
Hoare, Sarah
Hoare, T.
Hoare, William
Hobday, William Armfield
Hobhouse, John Cam
Hobhouse, Thomas
Hobkirk, David
Hobson, Samuel
Hoccleve, Thomas
Hodges, Charles
Hodgson, Bernard
Hodgson, Francis
Hodgson, Henry
Hodgson, John
Hodgson, Philip
Hodson, Francis Allen
Hodson, William
Hog, Roger
Hogg, James
Hogg, James, the younger
Hogg, Thomas
Holcroft, Thomas
Holder, Henry Evans
Holder, John
Holderness, Mary
Hole, Richard
Holford, George Peter
Holford, Margaret
Holford, Margaret
Hollamby, John
Holland, Edwin Clifford
Holland, John
Holland, Thomas Agar
Holliday, John
Hollingsworth, Arthur George Harper
Hollingsworth, Nathaniel John
Holloway, William
HOLME, James
Holme, James
Holmes, Abiel
Holmes, Ann
Holmes, John
Holmes, Mary Stiles
Holmes, Moses
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Robert
Holworthy, Samuel
Home, John
Homer, Philip Bracebridge
Homfray, Francis
Hone, William
Honeywood, St. John
Hood, Catharine
Hood, Thomas
Hoole, Barbara
Hoole, John
Hoole, Samuel
Hope, John
Hopkins, Benjamin
Hopkins, Joseph R.
Hopkins, Lemuel
Hopkinson, Francis
Hopkinson, Joseph
Hopkirk, John Glassford
Hopson, Edward
Hopwood, D. Caroline
HORACE, Humphrey
Horde, Thomas
Hornby, Edward Thomas Stanley
Hornby, Mary
Horne, Moffatt James
Horne, William Wales
Horner, William George
Horsford, John
Horsley, Henry Sharpe
Hort, Rachel
Horton, Francis
Horton, George Moses
Horton, Mary Lambert
Horton, Thomas
Horwood, Caroline
Hough, John
Houghton, Jane
Houghton, Mary Arnald
House, William
Houston, Thomas
Howard, Frederick
Howard, George William Frederick
Howard, Gorges Edmond
Howard, John Jarrard
Howard, John Owens
Howard, Nathaniel
Howden, Robert
Howe, Alfred Edward
Howe, Solomon
Howell, Henry
Howell, Samuel
Howitt, Mary
Howitt, Richard
Howitt, William
Howland, Avis C.
Howlett, John Henry
Hoy, John
Hoy, John, Jr.
Hoyland, Francis
Hoyle, Charles
Hubbard, John Clarke
Hucks, Joseph
Huddesford, George
Hudson, Edward
Hudson, Henry
Hudson, Thomas
Hudson, Thomas
Hue, Clement Berkeley
Huggins, John Richard
Hughes, Anne
Hughes, Benjamin
Hughes, George
Hughes, H.
Hughes, John
Hughes, Thomas
Hughes, Thomas Smart
Hughs, Mary
Hugman, John
Hugman, Robert
Huish, Robert
Hulbert, Charles Augustus
Hull, John Dawson
Hull, Thomas
HULL, William Winstanley
Hulton, Henry
Hume, Alexander
Hume, Joseph
Humfrey, Nathaniel
Humphrey, Asa
Humphrey, James
Humphreys, David
Humphreys, John Doddridge
Hunn, Anthony
Hunt, Aubrey de Vere
Hunt, Eliza
Hunt, James Henry Leigh
Hunt, John
Hunt, John Higgs
Hunt, Mary
HUNT, Robert
Hunter, Anne
Hunter, John
Huntingford, Henry
Huntingford, Thomas
Huntington, Daniel
Huntington, William
Hurd, Richard
Hurdis, James
Hurlburt, Ozias
Hurn, David
Hurn, William
Hurwitz, Hyman
Hutchinson, Samuel
Hutchinson, W. H.
Hutchinson, William
Hutton, Hugh
Hutton, J.
Hutton, Joseph
Hutton, Mary
Hutton, William
Hutton, William Pepperrell
Hyde, Andrew
Hyde, George
Hyde, Nancy Maria
Iliff, Mary
Imlah, John
Impey, Elijah Barwell
Imray, J. W.
Ind, Edward
Ingersoll, Charles Jared
Inglis, John
Inglis, Richmond
INGRAM, George
Ingram, Henry
Ingram, James
Ingram, William
Instone, Sarah
Ireland, John
Ireland, William Henry
IRONS, Joseph
Irwin, Eyles
Isaac, Benjamin
Isaacs, Mrs.
Isaacson, Jacob
Italicus, Caius Silius
Ivanhoy, D.
Ivison, Ursula
Jackman, Isaac
Jackson, Adelaide
Jackson, Edward Dudley
Jackson, Ferdinando
Jackson, Jane
Jackson, John
Jackson, Joseph
Jackson, Richard
Jackson, Samuel
Jackson, Samuel Richard
Jackson, Thomas
JACKSON, William
Jackson, William
Jackson, Zachariah
Jacob, Catharine
Jacobson, James
Jacques, Charles Austen
Jaffray, Alexander
Jago, Richard
James I, King of Scotland
James V, King of Scotland
James, Charles
James, Edwin John
James, Eliza
James, George Payne Rainsford
James, Isaac
James, Paul Moon
Jameson, Mark
Jameson, Robert William
Jamieson, Alexander
Jamieson, Frances
Jamieson, John
Janes, Walter
Jarman, Richard
Jayne, Ebenezer
Jefferson, Joseph
Jefferys, John
Jeffrey, Francis
Jenkins, James
Jenkins, Mr.
Jenner, Charles
Jennings, James
Jenyns, Soame
Jephson, Robert
Jerdan, William
Jerningham, Edward
Jervis, Sophia
Jesse, John Heneage
Jeston, Humphrey
Jevons, Mary Anne
JEWITT, Arthur George
Jewsbury, Maria Jane
Jodrell, Richard Paul
Johns, Henry Incledon
Johns, James
Johns, John
Johns, Mrs.
Johns, Richard
Johns, T.
Johnson, Benjamin
Johnson, Charles Henry
JOHNSON, Elizabeth
Johnson, George M.
Johnson, John
Johnson, John
Johnson, John
Johnson, Lucinda
Johnson, Mary Fitchett
Johnson, Richard
Johnson, Samuel
Johnson, Thomas
Johnson, W. R.
Johnston, Andrew
JOHNSTON, Andrew Gregory
Johnston, Archibald
Johnston, Charles
Johnston, Frank
Johnston, N. P.
Johnstone, Charles
Johnstone, John
Johnstone, John
Joline, John K.
Jones, Abner
Jones, Anna Maria
Jones, Charles A.
Jones, Charles Hugh
Jones, Charles L. S.
Jones, Christopher
Jones, Elizabeth C.
Jones, Frederick Edward
Jones, George
Jones, Henry
Jones, J.
Jones, Jacob
Jones, James Athearn
Jones, Jenkin
Jones, John
Jones, John
Jones, John
Jones, John
Jones, John
Jones, John Gale
Jones, Joseph
Jones, Joseph
Jones, Lavinia Elizabeth Chapman
Jones, S. I.
Jones, Samuel
Jones, Sophia
Jones, Stephen
Jones, Thomas
Jones, Thomas
Jones, Thomas Cambria
JONES, Timothy
Jones, William
Joones, Z.
Jordan, John
Jordan, Judith
Jordan, William
Jouy, Victor Joseph Etienne de
Joyce, James
Joyce, Thomas
Joynes, Lucy
Judah, Samuel Benjamin Helbert
JUDKIN, Thomas James
Judson, Roswell
Juvenal, Decimus Junius
Kamington, John
Kavanagh, Morgan Peter
Kaye, John William
Keate, George
Keats, John
Keble, John
Keene, Talbot
Keith, Charles
Keith, Peter
Kellet, Alexander
Kellogg, Ezekiel
Kelly, Arthur
Kelly, Hugh
Kelly, Isabella
Kelly, John
Kelly, T. W.
Kelly, Thomas
Kelly, Thomas J. F.
KELSALL, Charles
Kelson, John
Kemble, Frances Ann
Kemble, John Philip
Kemble, Stephen George
Kemp, Alexander
Kemp, James
Kempe, Alfred John
Ken, Thomas
Kendall, A.
Kendall, Benjamin F.
Kendall, William
Kennedy, George Blair
Kennedy, James
Kennedy, James
Kennedy, James
Kennedy, James
Kennedy, John
Kennedy, Rann
Kennedy, Richard Hartley
Kennedy, Thomas
Kennedy, William
Kenney, James
Kenney, John-Henry
Kenney, Martha
Kennicott, Benjamin
Kennicott, James H.
Kenrick, William
Kent, John
Kentish, Mary
KENTISH, Nathaniel Lipscomb
Kentish, William Augustus
Kenton, James
Kenworthy, Charles
Kenyon, John
Ker, Lewis
Kerr, Charles
Kerr, Symon
Kessell, Andrew
Kessen, A.
Kett, Henry
Key, David
Kidd, Adam
Kidd, Jane
Kilner, Dorothy
Kilner, Mary Ann
Kilty, William
Kimmens, Hugh
King, Anthony
King, Edward
King, Elizabeth Robinson
King, Harriet Rebecca
King, James
King, William
King, William
KING, William S.
Kingdom, John
KINGLAKE, William Chapman
Kingston, William
Kirby, Jeremiah
Kirby, Thomas
Kirkpatrick, Francis
Kitchiner, William Brown
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb
Knapp, Henry Hartopp
Knapp, John Leonard
Knight, Ann Cuthbert
Knight, Antonio
Knight, Charles
Knight, Ellis Cornelia
Knight, Frederick
Knight, Henry Cogswell
Knight, Henry Gally
Knight, Joel Abraham
Knight, Richard Payne
Knight, Samuel
Knight, Titus
Knott, Richard
Knowles, James Sheridan
Knox, Patrick
Knox, William
Knox, William
KOERNER, Theodore
Kotzebue, August von
L'Oste, Charles
L., J.
La Fontaine, Jean Francois de
Lace, Thomas Griffiths
Lacey, James Murray
Lackington, James
Lacy, Willoughby
Ladd, John
Ladd, Joseph Brown
Laing, Alexander
Laing, Alexander
Lake, James Wabon
Lake, John
Lake, William
Lamartine, Alphonse de
Lamb, Caroline
Lamb, Charles
Lamb, James
Lamb, John
Lamb, Jonathan
Lamb, Mary Anne
Lamb, Nehemiah
Lambert, Eliza
LAMONT, Aeneas
Lamont, Dorothea
Lamport, William
Lamson, John
Lander, William
Landon, Letitia Elizabeth
Landor, Robert Eyres
Landor, Walter Savage
Landsborough, David
Lane, William
LANG, John Dunmore
Langford, Robert
Langhorne, John
Langley, John Henry
Langrishe, Hercules
Lapraik, John
Lard, Rebecca
Latey, John Lash
Lathrop, Barnabas
Lathrop, John
Lathrop, Joseph
Lathy, Thomas Pike
Lauderdale, John
Law, Elizabeth Susan
Law, James Sylvius
Law, Samuel
Law, Thomas
Law, William
LAW, William
Lawford, James
Lawler, C. F.
Lawler, Dennis Felix
Lawlor, Denys Shyne
Lawrence, Herbert
Lawrence, James Henry
Lawrence, Jonathan
Lawrence, Rose
Lawrence, Thomas Dawson
Lawrence, W. L.
Lawrence, William
Lawson, James
Lawson, John
Lawton, Hugh
Layard, Charles Peter
Layton, George
Le Grice, Charles Valentine
Le Gros, W. B.
Le Guire, Amos
Le Mesurier, Thomas
Le Noir, Elizabeth Anne
LEACH, Stephen
Leacroft, E. B.
Leadbeater, Mary
Learmont, John
Learned, Lydia
Lebrun, Pierre-Antoine
Lechmere, Edmund
Ledyard, Isaac
Lee, Chauncey
Lee, Francis Bacon
Lee, Harriet
Lee, Henry
Lee, James Prince
Lee, Richard
Lee, Sophia
LEE, Thomas
Lee, William
LEE, William
Leech, Margaret
Leech, Sarah
Lees, Edwin
Lees, Thomas J.
Lefanu, Alicia
Lefèvre, Pierre Francois Alexandre
Lefroy, Anne
Leftley, Charles
Leggett, William
Leggett, William Martin
Legouvé, Gabriel Marie Jean Baptiste.
Legoux, L.
LeGrand d'Aussy, Pierre Jean Baptiste
Leigh, Chandos
Leigh, Helen
Leigh, James Henry
Leland, Aaron Whitney
Lemaistre, J. G.
Lemoine, Henry
Lemon, Mark
Lenox-Conyngham, Elizabeth Emmet
LENTON, Edward
Leonard, Eliza Lucy
Leonard, John
Leslie, John
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Letche, J. P.
Letches, Mrs.
Lettice, John
Letts, Charles
Lewes, John Lee
Lewis, Alonzo
Lewis, Asahel Hooker
Lewis, Charles
LEWIS, David
Lewis, Eldad
Lewis, Eli
Lewis, Henry C.
Lewis, Mary Gogo
Lewis, Matthew Gregory
Lewis, Philip
Lewis, Stewart
Lewis, W.
Lewis, William
Lewis, William David
Lewis, William Garrett
Leyden, John
Liardet, Wilbraham
Lickbarrow, Isabella
Liddell, Henry
Liddiard, J. S. Anna
Liddiard, William
Liddle, William
Lightfoot, Catherine Anne
Lilley, Thomas
Limrick, John Sullivan
Lincoln, Enoch
Lindsay, David
Linley, George E.
Linley, William
Linn, John Blair
Linnecar, Richard
Linstien, Madame
Linwood, Mary
Lipscomb, William
Lisle, Henry Maurice
Lister, Edward Jackson
Lister, Thomas
Lister, Thomas Henry
Littell, William
Little, Cynthia
Little, Janet
Little, William Swayne
Littleford, Mrs. C. W.
Livermore, Harriet
Livingston, Ann Hume
Livingston, Henry Brockholst
Llewellin, Henry
Lloyd, Charles
Lloyd, David
Lloyd, Evan
Lloyd, Hartley
Lloyd, Mary
Lloyd, Mary Ann
Lloyd, R. J.
Lloyd, Sarah Maria
Llwyd, Richard
Lochart, Hamilton
Lochore, Robert
Locke, Mary
Locker, Edward Hawke
Lockhart, Charles
Lofft, Capel
Lofland, John
Logan, John
Logan, Maria
Lomax, Judith
Long, Charles Edward
Longmire, James Fox
Longmore, George
Longmuir, John
Lothrop, Jason
Lothrop, Reuel
Love, Charles
Love, David
Loveit, Logan
Loveland, Samuel Chapman
Lovell, Robert
Lovett, John
Lovibond, Edward
Low, Samuel
Lowe, John, Jr.
Lower, Richard
Lowndes, Thomas
Lowth, Robert
Lowthion, Thomas
Luby, Catherine
Lucas, Charles
Lucas, Henry
Lucas, John
LUCAS, Robert
Lucas, William
Luce de Lancival, Jean-Charles-Julien
Luck, Charles
Luck, W. H.
Luckock, Benjamin
Luiz da Silva, Nicolau
Lund, John
Lunn, Joseph
Lunt, George
Luscombe, Matthew Henry Thornhill
Lutton, Anne
Luttrell, Henry
Lynch, W. R.
Lyon, Emma
Lyons, James Gilborne
Lyons, Samuel
Lysaght, Edward
Lyster, Christopher
Lyte, Henry Francis
Lyttelton, George
Lyttelton, Thomas
Lyttelton, William Henry
Lytton, Elizabeth Barbara Bulwer
Macaulay, John
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
Macauley, Elizabeth Wright
MacBurnie, Robert
MacCarthy, George
MacCarthy, Thomas
MacDonald, Andrew
MacDonald, Archibald
Macdonald, John Paul
Macdonald, William
Macdonald, William P.
Macdonald, William Russell
Macdonnell, Alexander
MacDouall, Charles
MacFarlane, Charles
Macgilvray, John
Macgregor, James
Macintyre, William
Mack, Ebenezer
Mack, Robert
Mack, Solomon
Mackay, Alexander
Mackay, Charles
Mackay, J.
Mackay, William
Macken, John
Mackenzie, Henry
Mackenzie, John
Mackenzie, William
Mackey, James
Mackey, Mary
Mackey, Sampson Arnold
Macklin, Hugh George
Maclachlan, Ewen
Maclaren, Archibald
Maclaurin, Colin
Maclaurin, George
Maclaurin, Mary
Macleay, Kenneth
Macleod, A.
MacNally, Leonard
MacNeill, Hector
Macnish, Robert
Macomber, Job
Macpherson, Donald
Macpherson, James
Macpherson, John
Macqueen, Thomas
Macray, John
Madan, Judith
Madan, Martin
Madan, Spencer
Madden, Bernard Joseph
MADDEN, William
Maddocks, Mrs.
Madison, Seth
Maffit, John Newland
Magennis, Simon Davenport
Magill, Robert
Magness, William
Magrath, Anne Jane
Mahony, Agnes
Maitland, C.
Maitland, John
Maitland, Richard
MAJENDIE, William Henry
Malan, Caesar
Malcolm, David
Malcolm, John
Malkin, Benjamin Heath
Mallet, David
Mallett, Mrs.
Mallitt, Mary
Mallock, David
Man, Henry
Mancini, Barbon Mazarin
Mandeville, Edward M.
Mangin, Edward
Mangnall, Richmal
Manley, Richard
Mann, James
Mann, William
Manners, Catherine Rebecca
MANNERS, Charles
Manners, George
Mansfield, Joseph
Manson, Alexander
Mant, Alicia Catherine
Mant, Richard
Manwaring, Miss
Mara, Samuel Delaval
Marjoribanks, John
Markham, Alexander
Markoe, Peter
Marks, David
Marlowe, Izaak
Marmontel, Jean-Francois
Maro, Matthew
Marr, William
Marriott, George
Marriott, John
Marris, Robert
Marryat, Thomas
Marsden, John Howard
Marsden, Joshua
MARSH, Edward Garrard
Marsh, William
Marshall, Benjamin Arthur
Marshall, George
Marshall, Humphrey
Marshall, John
Marshall, John
Marshall, John
Marshall, Julia Anne
Marshall, Thomas
Marshall, Thomas
Marshall, Thomas
Marshall, William Barrett
Marston, Hannah
Marston, Robert
Martin, George
Martin, Henry
Martin, J. L.
Martin, James
Martin, Samuel
Martin, Sarah Catherine
Martin, Thomas
Martin, Thomas
Martin, Tobias
Martin, William
Martindale, Miles
Martineau, Harriet
Martyn, Thomas
Mason, Abraham John
Mason, Ann
Mason, Henry J. Monck
Mason, James
MASON, James
Mason, William
Masson, James
Masters, Martin Kedgwin
Masterton, Charles
Mather, Samuel
Mathew, John Morgan
MATHEWS, Charles
Mathews, Elizabeth Kirkham
Mathews, Samuel Augustus
Mathias, Thomas James
Mathies, James
Matthews, Arthur
Matthews, Elizabeth
Matthews, John
Matthews, Richard
Matthews, W. D.
Matthiason, J. H.
Mattison, Seth
Maturin, Charles Robert
MAUDE, Thomas
Maude, Thomas
Maule, John
Maurice, Mark
Maurice, Thomas
Mavor, William Fordyce
Maxcy, Jonathan
Maxey, Samuel
Maxwell, Georgiana Caroline
Maxwell, James
Maxwell, John
Maxwell, Stuart
Maxwell, William
Maxwell, William Hamilton
May, Robert
May, Thomas
Mayne, John
Mayow, Robert Wynell
McAlpie, James
McBean, Thomas
McCabe, John Collins
McCall, John Cadwalader
McCann, G.
McCarthy, Michael
McComb, William
McCoy, Joseph
McCracken, Robert
McCready, Francis
McCreery, John
McCuller, William
McDermott, Mary
McDonald, M.
McDonald, Thomas J.
McDonogh, Felix Bryan
McDowall, William
McFarlane, John
McGibbon, Alexander
McGowan, Alexander
McHenry, James
McIndoe, George
McJimsey, William
McKean, John
McKenzie, Andrew
McKillop, Dougal
McKimmey, William
McKinley, John
McKinnon, John D.
McKissen, Robert
McLaren, William
McLellan, Isaac
McLoghlin, James
McMahon, Simon Crea
McMillan, George
McMillan, John
McMorine, Mary
McMullan, Mary Anne
McMullan, William J.
McNaghten, Robert Adair
McNemar, Richard
McNight, Andrew
McTaggart, Ann
McVitie, William
Mead, Charles
Mediolano, Joannes de
Medley, Samuel
Medley, Samuel
Medley, Sarah
Medwin, Thomas
Meek, Matthew
Meek, Thomas
Meigs, Return Jonathan
Meikle, James
Meikle, William
Meilan, Mark Anthony
Mellen, Grenville
Mellish, Joseph Charles
Melmoth, Henry
Melmoth, Sydney
Mendham, James
Mends, Herbert
Mennell, George
Menzies, Daniel
Menzies, George
Mercer, Andrew
Mercer, James
Mercer, Thomas
Merdant, Robert
Meredith, W. E.
Merivale, John Herman
Merle, William Henry
Merrick, James
Merry, John
Merry, Robert
Merryweather, Jane Anderson
MESSING, Stephen
Metastasio, Pietro
Methuen, Paul
Meyler, William
MEZIERE, Harriet
Michell, Nicholas
Michell, Richard
Mickle, William Julius
Middleton, Marmaduke
Middleton, Stephen
Midford, William
Mifflin, John Houston
Millar, William
Millard, Simeon Warner
Miller, Anna
Miller, David
Miller, George
Miller, Hugh
Miller, James
Miller, James William
Miller, Thomas
MILLER, William
Millhouse, Robert
Milliken, Richard Alfred
Mills, Elizabeth Willesford
Mills, John
Mills, John Henry
Mills, Thomas
Milman, Henry Hart
Milne, Christian
Milne, George
Milner, George
Milner, H. M.
Milnes, Richard Monckton
Milton, John
Milton, Matthew Smith
Minot, Laurence
Minshull, Thomas
Minter, Jeremiah
Mirror, Isaac
Mitchell, John Kearsley
Mitchell, William
Mitchie, John
Mitford, John
Mitford, Mary Russell
Moffat, Robert
Moffatt, John Marks
MOFFATT, John Marks
Mogridge, George
Moir, David Macbeth
Molleson, Alexander
Monck, John Berkeley
Monckton, Charlotte Penelope
Monkland, George
Monney, William
Monro, John
Monro, Thomas
Montagu, Eleanora Louisa
Montagu, Henry Wilkinson
Montagu, Mary Wortley
Montagu, Montagu
Montague, Edward
Montgomery, Alexander
Montgomery, James
Montgomery, Robert
Montgomery, Robert M.
Monti, Vincenzo
Montolieu, Maria Henrietta
Moody, Elizabeth
Moore, Abraham
Moore, Dugald
Moore, Edward
MOORE, George
Moore, George
Moore, Henry
Moore, Horatio Newton
Moore, James Lovell
Moore, Jane Elizabeth
Moore, John Henry
Moore, John McDermott
Moore, Thomas
Moore, William
Moorhead, James
Moorhouse, William Vincent
Moran, Edward
More, Hannah
Morehead, Robert
Morfitt, John
Morgan, Caesar
Morgan, John Minter
Morgan, T.
Morgan, Thomas Charles
Morgan, William
Morison, David
Morison, Hannah
Morley, Richard
Morley, Thomas
MORRIS, Charles
Morris, Francis William Jarrett
Morris, Henry
Morris, Thomas
Morris, Thomas Linwell
MORRISON, Fielding
Morrison, John
Morrison, Samuel
Morritt, John Bacon Sawrey
Mortimer, Thomas
Morton, Sarah Wentworth
Mosby, John Newby
Moser, Joseph
Moss, Thomas
Motherwell, William
Mott, Frances
Mott, Thomas
Moulder, Joseph
Mountain, Jacob
Mountfort, David
Moxon, Edward
Mudge, Enoch
Mudge, Richard Commins
Mudie, Robert
Mueller, Albert Arney
Mugliston, William
Muir, George
Muir, William
Mullen, Samuel
Mulligan, Hugh
Mullner, Amand Gottfried Adolph
Mundy, Francis Noel Clarke
Munford, Robert
Munford, William
Munnings, John Spelman
Munnings, Thomas Crowe
Murphy, Anna
Murphy, Arthur
Murphy, John
Murphy, William
Murray, Henry Nairne
Murray, John
Murray, Oliver James
Murray, Thomas
Murray, William
Murry, Ann
Musaes, I.
Musgrave, George Musgrave
MUSGRAVE, Thomas Moore
Mushet, Daniel
MUZZY, Harriet
MYERS, James
Myers, T.
Mylne, James
Nack, James
Nairne, Edward
Napier, Macvey
Nash, Samuel John
Nash, William
Nason, George
Nation, William
Neal, John
Neal, Moses L.
Nealds, Adeline Martha
Neale, Cornelius
Neale, M. A.
Neale, W. Johnson
Neele, Henry
Neilson, Arthur Scott
Neilson, Peter
Nelligan, James
Nephew, Caroline Clifford
Nettleton, Asahel
Nevay, John
Neville, O.
NEWBERY, Francis
Newby, Peter
Newman, Henry Charles Christian
Newman, John Henry
Newman, Sarah
Newnham, Francis
Newport, Matthew
Newstead, Robert
NEWTON, Charles
Newton, H.
Newton, John
Nicholls, Thomas
Nichols, Andrew
Nichols, Anne Susanna
Nichols, John
Nichols, Thomas
Nicholson, John
Nicholson, Thomas
Nicholson, William
Nicklin, Edward
Nicoll, James
Nicoll, Robert
Nightingale, Joseph
Niles, Aaron
Nisbet, Richard
Nisbet, W.
Noble, Thomas
NOEL, Gerard Thomas
Noel, Thomas
Nooth, Charlotte
Norgate, Thomas Starling
Norris, Henry
North, Francis
Northmore, Thomas
Northup, William
Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah
Norton, Stephen Sewall
Norton, Theodore
Norval, James
Norval, James
Nott, John
Noyes, Robert
Noyes, Robert
Nugent, Henry
Nugent, Robert Craggs
Nursey, Perry
NUTT, Thomas
NUTTALL, William
O'Beirne, Thomas Lewis
O'Brien, Mary
O'BRYAN, Henry Ross
O'Bryen, Denis
O'Connor, Roger
O'CONOR, Daniel Roderick
O'Farrell, Martin
O'Flaherty, Charles
O'Keeffe, Adelaide D.
O'Keeffe, John
O'Kelly, Patrick
O'Leary, Joseph
O'Neill, Frances
O'Sullivan, Michael John
Oakman, John
Odell, Jonathan
Odiorne, Thomas
Offley, Mrs.
Ogden, James
Ogg, George
Ogilvie, James
Ogilvie, John
Ogle, John
Oke, Eliza
Okely, Francis
Oliver, Andrew
Oliver, Isabella
Oliver, Rowland
Oliver, William
Oliver, William
Onyon, Henry Bristowe
Opie, Amelia
Oram, Samuel Marsh
Ord, John Walker
Orme, J. B.
Orr, James
Orton, Philo Atwood
Osborn, Selleck
Osborne, J.
Osborne, James
Osgood, Samuel Stillman
Osler, Edward
Oswald, John
Otley, Richard
Oulton, Walley Chamberlain
Ouseley, Thomas John
Overton, Charles
Overton, John
Owen, Elizabeth
OWEN, William
Owenson, Robert Nugent
Owenson, Sydney
Oxenden, George Chichester
Paas, Frederick
Pace, James
Pace, William
Packard, Hannah James
Paddock, Robert
Pagan, Isabel
Page, Thomas
Paget, H. P.
Paine, Robert Treat, Jr.
Paine, Thomas
PAINE, Thomas
Palin, Ralph
Palmer, John
Palmer, Mary
Palmer, Roundell
Palmer, Shirley
Palmer, William Pitt
Pando, Jose Maria de
Papworth, John Buonarotti
PARDEE, Benjamin D.
Pardoe, Julia
Park, Alexander
Park, Andrew
Park, Gratiano
Park, Thomas
Park, William
Parke, John
Parker, Frances
Parker, George
Parker, Henry Meredith
Parker, John
Parker, John
Parkerson, James
Parkin, Miles
Parkinson, Richard
Parlby, Brook Bridges
Parminter, Anne
Parnell, Thomas
Parr, William
Parris, Samuel Bartlett
Parsey, Arthur
Parsons, Eliza Dwight Willard
Parsons, Letitia
Parsons, Mary
Parsons, Samuel
Parsons, Thomas
Parsons, William
Partridge, Samuel
Pasmore, George
Paterson, Adam
Paterson, John
Paterson, John David
Paterson, Thomas Hislop
Paterson, Walter
Patrick, Richard
Patrickson, Margaret
Patterson, Dr.
Patterson, Stephen
Pattison, Samuel
Patullo, Margaret
Paul, Hamilton
Paul, John Dean
Paul, William
Paulding, James Kirke
Paull, Henry Juleff
PAVER, William
Paxton, George
Payne, John Howard
Payne, Joseph
Paynter, David William
Peabody, Moses
Peacock, Thomas Love
Peale, Rembrandt
Pearce, William
Pearson, Ann
Pearson, George
Pearson, Richard
Pearson, Sarah
Pearson, Thomas
Peart, Joseph
Peavey, John L.
Peck, Jabez
Peck, John
Peebles, William
Peel, Edmund
Peele, Edward
Peele, George
Peers, Charles
Peirce, Thomas
Pelham, Henry
Pellatt, Henry
Pellico, Silvio
Penn, Granville
Penn, John
Pennecuik, Alexander
Pennie, John Fitzgerald
Penny, Anne
Penrose, Thomas
Penrose, William
Pentycross, Thomas
Penwarne, John
Pepper, Henry
Percival, James Gates
Percy, Thomas
Perfect, William
Perkins, Elizabeth Steele
Perkins, Lafayette
Perkins, M. H.
Perkins, Theophilus
Perrin, William
Perronet, Edward
Perry, Charles James
Perry, James
Person, William
Peter, William
Peterkin, Alexander
Petre, John
Pettifer, Maria
Petyt, Silvester
Pfeil, John William
Phelan, Charlotte Elizabeth
Phelps, Harriette Eliza
PHELPS, Jane Theodosia
Phelps, Samuel Merrick
Philippart, Caroline
Philipps, Janetta
Phillips, Catharine
Phillips, Charles
Phillips, John
Phillips, John
Phillips, Jonas B.
Phillips, Peter
Phillips, William
Phillips, William
Philpot, Charles
Phinney, Clement
Picken, Andrew Belfrage
Picken, Ebenezer
Pickering, Amelia
Pickering, George
Pickering, Henry
Pickering, John
Pickersgill, Maria
Pierce, William Leigh
Piercy, Richard
Pierpont, John
Pierson, Josiah
Pierson, Thomas
Piggott, Solomon
Pignotti, Lorenzo
Pigott, John Dryden
Pike, Albert
Pilgrim, Edward Trapp
Pilkington, Mary
Pilon, Frederick
Pingree, William
Pinkerton, Ebenezer
Pinkerton, John
Pinkney, Edward Coote
Pinn, William
Piozzi, Hester Lynch
Pise, Charles Constantine
Pitcairne, Archibald
Pitman, Ambrose
Pitman, John
Pitt, William
Pitts, William
Pizey, Susannah
Planché, James Robinson
Plomley, Mary Ann
PLUMMER, Frederick
Plumptre, James
Poe, Edgar Allan
Pogson, Sarah
Pogson, Wredenhall Robert
Pointon, Priscilla
Polglase, Ann Eaton
Polidori, John William
Pollett, W. R.
Pollok, Robert
Polwhele, Richard
Pond, Charles
Poole, Edward Richard
Poole, John
Pope, Alexander
Pope, R. T.
Porch, Thomas Porch
Porden, Eleanor Anne
Portal, Abraham
Porter, Anna Maria
Porter, George
Porter, Hugh
Porter, Jacob
Porter, R.
Porter, Sarah
Porteus, Beilby
Pote, Benjamin Edward
Potier, Peter
Pott, Joseph Holden
Potter, John
POTTER, Reuben Marmaduke
Potter, Robert
Pottinger, Israel
Potts, Ethelinda Margaretta
Poulett, W. H.
Poulson, James
Poulter, Louisa Frances
Pounder, Robert
Pow, William
Powell, Anne
Powell, Calvin
Powell, John
Powell, Thomas
Power, Robert
Power, T. F.
Power, Thomas
Pownall, Mary
Praed, Winthrop Mackworth
Prall, Thomas
PRATT, Ellis
Pratt, Peter
Pratt, Samuel Jackson
Prattent, Thomas
Prentiss, Charles
Prescot, Kenrick
Prescott, Rachel
Preston, William
Price, Fitzjames Tucker
Price, James Cave
Price, James H.
PRICE, Robert Holland
Price, Rose Lambart
Prichard, David
Prichard, Rees
Prichard, Thomas Jeffery Llewelyn
Prime, Benjamin Young
Princeps, Elizabeth Louisa Slater
Pringle, James
Pringle, Thomas
Prior, Matthew
Proby, John Joshua
Procter, Bryan Waller
Procter, W. T.
Procter, William
Proud, Joseph
Proudlock, Lewis
Prowett, James
Prowse, Marianne
Pryce, John
Pryme, George
Pryor, Abraham
Puckle, James William
Puddicombe, John Newell
Pugh, David
Pugh, Sarah Sophia
Pulleine, Marianne
Pullen, Philip
Purdon, John
Purdy, Victory
Purshouse, Abraham
PUSHKIN, Alexander
PUTNAM, John Cornelius
Pybus, Charles Small
Pye, Henry James
Pye, Jael Henrietta
PYE, Mary
Pyke, Edward
Pyke, Sarah Leigh
Quested, John
Quigley, Catharine
Quillinan, Alfred
Quillinan, Edward
Quin, Thomas
Racine, Jean
Rack, Edmund
Radcliffe, Ann
Rae, Charles
RAE, Robert
Raffles, Thomas
Rafter, Thomas Michael
Ragg, Thomas
Rainsford, Marcus
Raleigh, Walter
Ralling, John
Ramsay, A.
Ramsay, Allan
Ramsay, John
Ramsey, Richard
Randall, John
Randall, Thomas
Randell, Thomas
Ranken, William
Rankine, John
Rannie, John
Rasbotham, Dorning
Rattenbury, J. F.
Rattray, Robert Haldane
Raupach, Ernst Benjamin Salomo
Ray, James H.
Ray, William
Raymond, James Grant
Raymond, Lancelot
Rayson, John
Read, B.
Read, William
Reade, Edmund I.
Reade, John Edmund
Reade, Joseph
Redding, Cyrus
Redi, Francesco
REECE, Samuel
Reed, Abner
Reed, Joseph
Reed, Thomas Robert
Reed, William
Rees, T. Needham
Reeve, Joseph
Reeve, Sophia
Reeves, Eliza
Reid, Christopher
Reid, Mrs.
Rendell, Elias De La Roche
Rennie, Eliza
Renou, Sarah
Renwick, William
Repton, Humphry
Reynolds, Frances
Reynolds, Frederick
Reynolds, G.
Reynolds, John Hamilton
Reynolds, Tertius
REYRAC, Francois Philippe de Laurens de
Rhinde, William
Rhoades, James Peter
Rhodes, Ebenezer
Rhodes, George Ambrose
Rhodes, Henrietta
Rhodes, T.
Rhodes, Thomas
Rhodes, William Barnes
Ribbans, Rebecca
Rice, Woodford
Rich, Edward Charles
Rich, Elisha
Rich, Henry
Richard I, King of England
Richards, George
Richards, George
Richards, John
Richardson, Catherine Eliza
Richardson, Charlotte
Richardson, Charlotte Caroline
Richardson, David Lester
Richardson, George Fleming
Richardson, J. M.
Richardson, John
Richardson, John
Richardson, Jonathan
Richardson, Joseph
Richardson, Sarah
Richardson, William
Richmond, John
Richmond, William E.
Rickards, George Kettilby
Rickards, Samuel
Rickett, J. H.
Ricketts, John
Rickman, Joseph
Rickman, Thomas Clio
Riddel, John
Riddell, Henry Scott
Riddell, Robert
Ridgeway, John
RIDGWAY, Richard B.
Ridley, Glocester
Ridsdale, George Twisleton
Rimmert, Jane
Ring, John
Ring, Mrs. Thomas
Ripley, Dorothy
Ripley, J. J.
Ritchie, John
Ritson, Anne
Rivers, David
Roalf, Stephen
Robb, William
Robbins, George
Robe, William Lamb
Roberdeau, John Peter
Roberts, David
Roberts, Emma
Roberts, John
Roberts, Mary
Roberts, Mary Ann
Roberts, Radagunda
Roberts, Samuel
Roberts, Thomas
Roberts, William
Roberts, William Hayward
Roberts, William Isaac
Robertson, Alexander
Robertson, David
Robertson, Eliza Frances
Robertson, George
Robertson, James
Robertson, John
Robertson, William
Robins, John
Robinson, Ellen
Robinson, John
Robinson, Mary
Robinson, Mary Elizabeth
Robinson, Morris
Robinson, Mrs. E.
Robinson, T. Pollingrove
Robinson, Thomas
Robinson, Thomas Romney
Robinson, William
Robson, Andrew
Robson, Henry
Roby, John
Roche, Eugenius
Roche, John Hamilton
Rodd, Thomas
Rodda, Richard
Rodger, Alexander
Rodgers, James
Rodgers, Vincentia
Rodman, Thomas P.
Roe, A. M.
Rogers, Daniel
Rogers, Henry
Rogers, James
Rogers, John Benjamin
Rogers, Samuel
Rolleston, Matthew
Rolls, Mary
Rolt, Richard
Rondeau, James
Roof, Rice
Room, Charles
Roper, Samuel
Roscoe, Jane Elizabeth
Roscoe, Robert
Roscoe, Thomas
Roscoe, William
Roscoe, William Stanley
Rose, E. H.
Rose, Miss A.
Rose, Robert Hutchinson
Rose, William Stewart
Ross, Alexander
Ross, Anne
ROSS, James
ROSS, James
Ross, James
Ross, Robinson C.
Ross, Samuel
Ross, Thomas
Rotton, Richard
Rough, Michael
Rough, William
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Rowatt, J.
Rowden, Frances Arabella
Rowe, Hannah
Rowe, Henry
Rowe, Henry Nathaniel
Rowell, Nathaniel
Rowland, Edward
Rowles, Charlotte
Rowles, Martha
Rowse, Elizabeth
Rowson, Susanna
Roxby, Robert
Roy, John
Rozzell, Charles
Rozzell, William
Rudge, James
Rufus, William
Rugeley, Rowland
Ruickbie, James
Ruschenberger, Mrs.
Rush, James
Rusher, John
RUSHER, Philip
Rushton, Edward
Rushton, Thomas
Russell, George
Russell, John
Russell, John Miller
Russell, Joshua
Russell, Thomas
Russell, William
Rusted, Robert
Ruter, Martin
Rutherfoord, Eliza
Rutt, J. T.
Ryan, Eliza
Ryan, Everhard
Ryan, John G.
Ryan, Richard
Ryland, John
Ryves, Elizabeth
Ryves, Frances Catharine
RYVES, Margracia
Sadler, Robert
Sadler, Thomas
Saffery, Maria Grace
Sage, J.
Saint Lambert, Jean-Francois de
Saint Quentin, Dominique de
Saint-Mawe, John
Sainte-Marthe, Scevole de
Salisbury, William
Salmon, Joseph Whittingham
Salt, Henry
Sampson, Joseph A. H.
Sancroft, W.
Sanders, Charlotte Elizabeth
Sanders, John
Sanders, Maria Ruth
Sanders, Mark
Sanderson, A.
SANDERSON, Alfred Poyntz
Sanderson, John
Sanderson, Stephen
Sanderson, Thomas
Sands, John Sim
Sands, Robert C.
Sandys, John
Sankey, William Simon Villiers
Sanon, George
Sansom, Francis
Sansom, James
Sansom, Joseph
Sargant, Jane Alice
Sargeant, Anne Maria
Sargeant, Emma Louisa
Sargent, John
Sargent, Lucius Manlius
Sargent, Winthrop
Saul, Joseph
Saunders, Henry Martin
Saunders, James M.
Saunders, W.
Savage, Mary
Savory, Martha
Sawyer, Anna
Sawyer, Lemuel
Sayer, S.
Sayers, Frank
Sayers, James
Scadding, Henry
Scadlock, James
Scafe, John
Scales, William
Schiller, Friedrich
Schoen, George Lethieullier
Schomberg, Alexander Crowcher
Schomberg, Ralph
Schoolcraft, Henry R.
Scot, Elizabeth
Scott, Alexander
Scott, Andrew
Scott, David Dundas
SCOTT, Francis
Scott, George
Scott, George Erving
Scott, Henry
Scott, James
Scott, James
Scott, John
Scott, John
Scott, John Welwood
Scott, Jonathan M.
Scott, Mary
Scott, Moses Y.
Scott, Richard
Scott, Robert
Scott, Thomas
Scott, Thomas
Scott, Thomas
SCOTT, Walter
Scott, Walter
Scott, William
Scott, William
Scott, William
Scott-Waring, John
Sealy, John Hungerford
Seaman, James N.
Searle, Thomas
Sears, Reuben
Searson, John
Secundus, Joannes
Selby, Charles Bridge
Selby, H. A.
Selden, Almira
Sellon, Martha Ann
Selwyn, Henry
Semmes, Thomas
Semper, John
Semple, Anthony
Serle, Thomas James
Serres, Olivia
Service, David
Service, James
Seton, Alexander
Sewall, Jonathan Mitchel
Sewall, Lewis
Seward, Anna
Seward, William
Sewell, Mary
SEWELL, Robert
Sewell, William
Seymour, Charlotte
Shackleton, Abraham
Shain, James C.
Shakeshaft, John
Shakespeare, William
Shannon, Edward N.
Sharp, Charles
Sharp, Cuthbert
Sharp, Richard
Sharp, William
Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick
Sharpe, John
Sharpe, Richard Scrafton
Sharron, J.
Shaw, Charles
Shaw, Cuthbert
Shaw, David
Shaw, John
Shaw, John
Shaw, John K.
Shaw, Lawrence Ormerod
Shaw, Thomas
Shaw, Thomas
Shea, John Augustus
Shee, John
Shee, Martin Archer
Sheil, Richard Lalor
Shelley, Elizabeth
Shelley, Hellen
Shelley, James Moore
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Shennan, Robert
Shenston, William
Shephard, Holman
Shepherd, Henry John
Shepherd, Henry Savile
Shepherd, Mrs.
Shepherd, Richard
SHEPHERD, Richard Herne
Shepherd, Samuel
Shepherd, William
Sheppard, T.
Sherenbeck, Henry
Shergold, Samuel
Sheridan, Louisa Henrietta
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Sherman, John
Sherston, Peter
Sherwood, Martha Lennox
Shewell, John Talwin
Shield, John
Shiels, Andrew
Shillito, Charles
Shilton, Richard Phillips
SHIMIN, Edward
Shirrefs, Andrew
Shoel, Thomas
Short, Bernard
Shreve, Joseph
Shurtleff, James
Siddons, Henry
Sigourney, Lydia Howard
Sikes, Mrs. S.
Sillar, David
Sillery, Charles Doyne
Sim, James
Simmons, James Wright
Simmons, William Hayne
Simms, William Gilmore
Simpkinson, John Nassau
Simpson, Joseph
Sinclair, George
Sinclair, John
Sinclair, William
Skeffington, Lumley St. George
Skene, George
Skinner, Israel
Skinner, John
Skurray, Francis
Slack, John
Sladden, Dilnot
Slade, Edward Walker
Slatter, James W.
Sleigh, Isabella
Slight, Henry
Smalbroke, Samuel
Small, James
Smallpiece, Anna Maria
Smart, Alexander
Smart, Benjamin Humphrey
Smart, Christopher
Smart, James Francis
Smedley, Edward
Smedley, John
Smeeton, Joseph
Smirke, Edward
SMITH MARRIOTT, William Marriott
Smith, Charles
Smith, Charlotte
Smith, Eaglesfield
Smith, Edward
Smith, Egerton
Smith, Elias
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, Eunice
Smith, George
Smith, George
Smith, George Charles
Smith, George Henry
Smith, Horatio
Smith, Hugh
SMITH, James
Smith, James
Smith, James
Smith, Jane
Smith, John
Smith, John Arnold
Smith, John Broadfoot
Smith, John William
Smith, Joshua
Smith, Luke
Smith, Mary Ann
Smith, Matthew
Smith, Michael
Smith, Mrs. T.
Smith, Richard Penn
Smith, Richard Ransom
Smith, Sarah Louisa P.
SMITH, Thomas
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Thomas Charlton
Smith, Thomas Enort
Smith, W. C.
Smith, William
Smith, William
Smith, William
Smith, William
Smith, William Cusack
Smith, William Henry
Smith, William Moore
Smith, William Russell
Smithers, Henry
Smollett, Tobias
Smyth, Edward
Smyth, George Lewis
Smyth, L.
Smyth, Philip
Smyth, William
Smyth, William
Smythe, Percy Clinton
Smythies, Harriet Maria
Snell, Powell
Snelling, William Joseph
SNOW, George Washington
Snow, Joseph
SNOW, William
Snowden, Eleanor
Snowden, Richard
Soame, Henry Francis Robert
Soane, George
Somerville, John S.
Somerville, William
Sorelli, Guido
Sotheby, Eliza
Sotheby, William
Soumet, Alexandre
Southcott, Joanna
Southerden, Samuel
Southey, Robert
Southwick, Solomon
Speece, Frederick
SPENCE, Robert Traill
Spence, Sarah
Spence, William Steers
Spencer, Aubrey George
Spencer, Frederic Charles
Spencer, John
Spencer, Sarah Emma
Spencer, William Robert
Spenser, Ambrose
Spenser, Edmund
Spenser, J. T.
Spicer, William Henry
Spierin, George Heartwell
Spight, Sarah C.
Sprague, Charles
Spratley, Thomas
Spreul, Thomas
Spring, Thomas
Sproat, Granville Temple
Sproat, Nancy
Sproat, P. W.
Sproule, Harriet Letitia
Spry, Edward
St. Aubyn, John Humphrey
St. John, Arthur
ST. JOHN, James Augustus
St. John, John
St. John, Mary
St. John, Peter
St. Leger, Francis Barry Boyle
Stagg, John
Standish, Frank Hall
Stanfield, James Field
Stanley, Edward
Stanley, Mrs.
Stanley, William
Stapleton, Miles Thomas
Starke, Mariana
Stearns, Charles
Stebbing, Henry
Stedman, John
Steel, Archibald
Steel, Mary
Steele, Anne
Steele, Mary
Steele, Sarah
Steers, H.
Stennett, Samuel
Stephen, T.
Stephenson, Benjamin
Stephenson, William
Sterling, Joseph
Sterry, Abby H.
Stevens, George Alexander
Stevens, George Lionel
Stevens, John
Stevens, John
Stevens, John Lee
Stevens, William Bagshaw
Stevenson, David
Stevenson, John Hall-
Stevenson, Robert
Stevenson, William
Stewart, Andrew
Stewart, C.
Stewart, Charles Edward
Stewart, Elizabeth Margaret
Stewart, J.
Stewart, Janet
Stewart, John
Stewart, John
Stewart, Joseph
Stewart, Thomas
Stiles, Ezra
Stiles, Ezra, Jr.
Stiles, Ruth
Stirling, James
Stockdale, John Joseph
Stockdale, Mary R.
Stockdale, Percival
Stoddart, Thomas Tod
Stokes, Catharine
Stokes, George
Stokes, Henry Sewell
Stolberg, Friedrich Leopold
Stones, William
Stoney, Thomas Umfreville
Stopford, Octavia
Storey, Robert
Storie, George Henry
Story, Isaac, Jr.
Story, Joseph
STOTT, Thomas
Stow, John
Stowell, Hugh
Strachan, John
Strafford, Henry Thomas
Strang, John
Strange, T.
Strangwayes, Edward
Stratford, Agnes
Stratford, Thomas
Stratton, Jemima Maria
Stratton, Nicholas
Streatfeild, T.
Street, Thomas George
Streeter, F.
Strettle, Miss
Strickland, Agnes
Strickland, Catharine Parr
Strickland, Lucinda
Strickland, Mrs. M.
Strickland, Susanna
Stringer, James
Stringer, Mrs.
Strong, Charles
Strong, Henry K.
Strong, Titus
Struthers, John
Strutt, Joseph
Stuart Wortley, Emmeline Charlotte Elizabeth
Stuart, James
Stuart, John Ferdinand Smyth
Stuart, Robert
Stuart, William
STUBBINGS, Henry Watkins
Stuckey, John
Sturtevant, Peleg
Styles, Robert
Styles, Thomas Lewis
Styrke, Issachar
Sulivan, Robert
Sulivan, Stephen
Sullivan, William Francis
Summersett, Henry
Sumner, Charles P.
Surr, Thomas Skinner
Sutcliff, Ann
Sutcliffe, E.
Sutherland, William
Sutton, Charles Manners
Swain, Charles
Swain, Joseph
Swan, Charles
Swan, John
Swan, William
Swanwick, John
Swarbreck, Delia Caroline
Sweedland, Edward
Sweeny, Robert
Swift, Deane
Swift, Edmund Lenthal
Swift, Jonathan
Swift, Theophilus
Swinny, Jane
Syme, John
Symmons, Caroline
Symmons, Charles
Sympson, Joseph
SYNESIUS of Cyrene
Taaffe, John
Taggart, Cynthia
Tait, Alexander
Tait, John
TAIT, Patrick
Tait, Thomas
Talbot, John
Talbot, Robert
Talfourd, Thomas Noon
Tallant, Anne
Tannahill, Robert
Tans'ur, William Le
Tansillo, Luigi
Tapner, John
Tappan, William B.
Taprell, Richard
TARRAS, William
Tartt, William Macdowal
Tasker, William
Tasso, Torquato
Tassoni, Alessandro
Tatam, William Kellock
Tatham, Edward
Tatlock, Eleanor
Tayler, John
Taylor, Amos
Taylor, Ann
Taylor, Charles
Taylor, Dan
Taylor, Edward
Taylor, Ellen
Taylor, Emily
TAYLOR, George
Taylor, George
Taylor, H.
Taylor, Hannah
Taylor, Henry
Taylor, Isaac
Taylor, Jane
Taylor, Jefferys
Taylor, John
Taylor, M.
Taylor, Nugent
Taylor, P.
Taylor, Robert
Taylor, Samuel W.
Taylor, Thomas
Taylor, W.
TAYLOR, William
Taylor, William
Taylor, William
Taylor, William Cooper
Teasdale, John
Teede, Richard
Tegner, Esaias
Telfer, James
Temple, Laura Sophia
Templeman, James
Templeman, Richard Abraham
Templeton, James
Tennant, Charles
Tennant, William
Tennyson, Alfred
Tennyson, Charles
Tennyson, Frederick
Terrot, Charles H.
Terry, Ezekiel
Tessier, George
Tevendale, Elizabeth
Thacher, William
Thackwell, Paul
Thackwray, William
Thayer, Caroline Matilda
Thelwall, John
Thew, William
Thirlwall, Connop
Thistlethwaite, James
Thom, Archibald
Thomas of Ercildoune
Thomas, Ann
Thomas, Daniel
Thomas, Elizabeth
Thomas, Frederick William
Thomas, George
Thomas, James
Thomas, Joan Elizabeth
Thomas, John
Thomas, John
Thomas, John H.
Thomas, John Wesley
Thomas, Joseph
Thomas, Josiah
Thomas, Rowley
Thomas, William John
Thomas, William Thomas
Thompson, Abraham
Thompson, Amira
Thompson, Benjamin
Thompson, Edward
Thompson, Eliza
Thompson, Gilbert
Thompson, Henry
Thompson, J.
Thompson, Jane Tonge
Thompson, R.
Thompson, Thomas
Thompson, Vincent
THOMPSON, William Francis
Thompson, William Gill
Thoms, Peter Perring
Thomson, Alexander
Thomson, Anthony Todd
Thomson, Charles
Thomson, Charles West
Thomson, George
Thomson, James
Thomson, James
Thomson, James
Thomson, James
Thomson, Robert
Thomson, Spencer Madan
Thomson, Thomas
Thomson, Thomas D.
Thomson, William
Thorburn, Thomas
Thorn, Romaine Joseph
Thornhill, Frederick
Thruston, Charles T.
Thurlow, Edward Hovell
Tickell, Richard
Tiernan, Mary Ann
Tighe, Mary
Tighe, William
Timbury, Jane
Timrod, William Henry
Tindal, William
Tobin, John
Todd, James G.
Tomlins, Elizabeth Sophia
Tomlins, Frederick Guest
TOMLINS, Thomas Edlyne
TOMPSON, Charles
Tonge, Eliza
Topliff, Nathaniel
Torre, Nicholas Lee
Tough, David
Toulmin, George Hopper
Tournay, Thomas
Tovey, Thomas
Towers, John
Towers, William Samuel
Townsend, Charles
Townsend, George
Townsend, Horatio
Townsend, Richard H.
Townsend, William Charles
Townshend, Chauncy Hare
Townshend, George
Townshend, Thomas
Train, Joseph
Trapaud, Elisha
Travers, Dennis
Trefusis, Elizabeth
Tremenheere, William
Trench, Melesina
Trench, Richard Chenevix
Trenhaile, John
Tresham, Henry
Trevanion, Henry
Trevelyan, Raleigh
Trollope, Arthur William
Trollope, Frances
Trotter, John Bernard
Trotter, Thomas
Trumbull, John
Trusler, John
Tuck, Elizabeth
Tucker, Henry St. George
Tucker, Nathaniel
Tucker, St. George
Tucker, William
Tucker, William John
TUFTS, Marshall
Tuite, Eliza Dorothea
Tupper, Martin Farquhar
Turner, Annette
Turner, Baptist Noel
Turner, Charles
Turner, Daniel
Turner, Elizabeth
Turner, Juliana Frances
Turner, Sharon
Turnour, Edward John
Twamley, Louisa Anne
Tweddell, Hubberstey Maddison
Tweed, John
Twiss, Horace
Tye, J.
Tyler, William
Tynan, Hugh
Tyson, James
Tytler, Alexander Fraser
Tytler, H. W.
Tytler, James
Tytler, Patrick Fraser
Umphraville, Angus
Unzer, Johanne Charlotte
Upham, Thomas Cogswell
Upton, Catherine
Upton, William
Urquhart, John
Urquhart, Thomas
Usher, James
Usher, William Rufus
Vaill, Joseph
Valerius Flaccus, Gaius
Vallé, Henrietta F.
Valpy, Richard
Van Dame, Bartholomew
Van Dyk, Harry Stoe
Van Tassel, Truman
Van Vechten, Teunis A.
Vaniere, Jacques
Vansommer, James
Vardill, Anna Jane
Varenne, George