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Author: Cannon, M. Maria


CANNON, M. Maria (fl 1824-25)

No public records have been located that can be linked with certainty to this author. It is not known if Cannon was her birth or her married name. The only slight clues to her identity come from her books. The first edition of Maria and St. Flos was published in Newbury, Berkshire, and sold in other neighbouring small towns. The preface is dated 1824 from Hungerford, Berkshire, and the poems were written to relieve “solitary hours during a state of convalescence.” The subscription list shows that she was well connected in the Berkshire area: most of the subscribers came from Berkshire, Wiltshire, and Somerset. Some of them—from Shalbourn and Chilton—shared the author’s surname. SR


Books written (2):

Newbury/ Trowbridge/ Frome/ Hungerford: M. P. Price/ Sweet/ Penny/ Lye, 1824