Author: Burges, James Bland
BURGES, James Bland, later Lamb (1752-1824: ODNB)
Born in Gibraltar, he grew up in Scotland and then attended Winchester School, Oxford University, and Lincoln's Inn. He was called to the bar in 1777 and elected to parliament in 1787, but it was after losing his seat in 1790 that he made his mark as under-secretary of state in the Foreign Office. On retirement, in 1795, he was awarded a baronetcy and afterwards turned to literature. Two of his six plays (including Riches) were performed. He co-authored The Exodiad with Richard Cumberland (q.v.) in 1807-8. With his second wife, Anne Montolieu, he had seven children. After Anne's death in 1810, he married Margaret Fordyce (formerly Lindsay; q.v. under Burges) in 1812; her health was delicate and she died in 1814. In 1821 he changed the family name to Lamb as a condition of inheriting an estate. (ODNB 6 Jan. 2018) HJ
Other Names:
- Sir James Bland Burges
- Sir James Bland Lamb, Bart.