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Author: Duer, John


DUER, John (1782-1858: ANBO)

Businessman, lawyer, and politician, John Duer was born in Albany NY, the son of William and Catherine (Alexander) Duer. After a brief stint in the army, he studied law and was called to the bar in New York; he then built up a practice with his brother in Orange County. In 1804 he married Anne Bedford Bunner, with whom he had 13 children, seven of whom survived infancy. In 1820 he moved to New York City, where he was active in business (he was a director on two railroads), politics (Whig), and the Episcopalian Church. He became a Trustee of Columbia College and was a member of the legal team charged with the revision of the Statutes of the State of New York (1824-9). He was named associate justice of the Superior Court of New York City in 1847 and Chief Justice in 1857. His publications reflected his professional and political concerns, especially in the areas of statute law and marine insurance. (ANBO 27 Sept. 2018) HJ


Books written (3):

New York: for the author by W. B. Gilley "and other booksellers", 1819