Author: Lothrop, Jason
LOTHROP, Jason (1794-1870: Hollis)
Born in Easthampton MA, the son of Sarah (Cook) and John Lothrop, he became a schoolteacher. The publications of the first half of his life are almost exclusively educational, the places of publication suggesting that he taught in various towns, first in New Hampshire and then in New York State. At some point in the 1820s he became a Baptist minister. With his wife Susan (her surname not known) and at least two children, he emigrated to Kenosha WI as a farmer and preacher in 1835, taking with him a small printing press. He is buried in Kenosha. His "Sketch of the Early History of Kenosha County, Wisconsin, and of the Western Emigration Company" was published in 1855 as part of the annual report of the State Historical Society. (WorldCat; 22 Nov. 2019; 22 Nov. 2019) HJ