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Author: Taylor, Jane


TAYLOR, Jane (1783-1824: ODNB)

She was born to Isaac Taylor (q.v.) and his wife Ann Martin in London less than two years after her sister Ann Taylor (q.v.) and benefited from the same innovative educational program, guided by nonconformist religious principles. The two eldest in the family, the sisters composed stories and verses together for play. At sixteen, Ann won a prize from the annual Minors' Pocket Book and began making occasional contributions to it, followed by other children in the family. In 1803 the publisher, Darton and Harvey, invited them collectively to send more children's poetry for publication, an invitation that led to the first edition of Original Poems for Infant Minds (1804-5), with a preponderance of poems by Ann and Jane Taylor (49 and 43 respectively) as well as a significant number (33) by Adelaide O'Keeffe (q.v.). Over the next ten years the collaboration flourished, notably with Rhymes for the Nursery (1806) which included Jane's "Twinkle, twinkle, little star," and Hymns for Infant Minds (1810), for which Jane herself engraved the frontispiece. After Ann married and left Ongar, Jane began to develop an independent career as an author (for instance, with Essays in Rhyme, 1816) but suffered from breast cancer from 1817 and died in the family home in 1824. She was buried beside her father's chapel in Ongar. Her brother Isaac Taylor (1787-1865) wrote an affectionate memoir to accompany his edition of her literary remains, Memoirs and Poetical Remains of the late Jane Taylor (1825). ("Taylor [née Martin], Ann," "Taylor, Isaac," "Taylor, Jane," ODNB 12 Nov. 2020; Darton; Todd 2; Orlando) HJ


Other Names:

  • Miss Taylor
  • J. Taylor

Books written (191):

London: Darton and Harvey, 1804
London: Darton and Harvey, 1805
3rd edn. London: Darton and Harvey, 1805
London/ Bucklersbury: Darton and Harvey/ Thomas Conder, 1805
London: Darton and Harvey, 1805 [this copy contains two engravings dated 1806; another copy--Osborne: uncatalogued--has the engravings undated]
4th edn. London/ Bucklersbury: Darton and Harvey/ T. Conder, 1806
Philadelphia: Kimber, Conrad, and Co., 1806
3rd edn. London/ Bucklersbury: Darton and Harvey/T. Conder, 1806
Philadelphia: Kimber, Conrad, and Co., 1806
London: Darton and Harvey, 1806
Philadelphia: Kimber, Conrad, and Co., 1807
2nd edn. London: Darton and Harvey, 1807
Exeter [NH]/ Newbury-port [MA]: printed by Norris and Sawyer/ William Sawyer and Co., 1808
7th edn. London/ Bucklersbury: Darton and Harvey/ T. Conder, 1808
Newburyport [MA]: William Sawyer and Co., 1808
Boston: John West and Co., Munroe, Francis, and Parker, and G. C. Greenleaf, 1808
London/ Bucklersbury: printed by George Ellerton/ Thomas Conder, 1810
2nd edn. Bucklersbury/ London: T. Conder/ Darton, Harvey and Co., and Conder and Jones, 1810
[2nd edn.] [Boston]: [S. T. Armstrong], [1810?].
4th edn. London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, 1810
Philadelphia: Johnson and Warner, 1810
Hartford [CT]: Peter B. Gleason and Co., 1811
11th edn. London/ Bucklersbury: Darton, Harvey, and Darton/ T. Conder, 1811
7th edn. London/ Bucklersbury: Darton, Harvey, and Darton/ T. Conder, 1811
New York: S. Wood, 1811
Boston: Lincoln and Edmands, 1812
5th edn. London/ Bucklersbury: Darton, Harvey, and Co., and Conder and Jones/ Josiah Conder, 1812
Norwich: printed by Z. Webb, 1812
London/ Bucklersbury: Josiah Conder/ W. Kent, 1812
8th edn. London/ Bucklersbury: Darton, Harvey, and Darton/ T. Conder, 1812
12th edn. London/ Bucklersbury: Darton, Harvey, and Darton/ T. Conder, 1812
2nd edn. London/ Bucklersby/ Edinburgh: Gale, Curtis and Fenner/ Josiah Conder/ John Ballantyne and Co., 1813
5th edn. Boston: printed by Samuel T. Armstrong, 1813
Boston: West and Richardson, 1813
13th edn. London/ Bucklersbury: Darton, Harvey, and Darton/ Josiah Conder, 1813
7th edn. London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, 1813
New edn. from a London copy Hartford [CT]: Peter B. Gleason and Co., 1813.
London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, 1814
6th edn. London/ Bucklersbury: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, Taylor and Hessey, Conder and Jones/ Josiah Conder, 1814
New Haven [CT]: Sidney's Press, 1814
Newark [NJ]: Isaac Meeker, 1814
Newburyport [MA]: W. B. Allen and Co., 1814
3rd edn. London: Josiah Conder and W. Kent, 1814
14th edn. London/ Bucklersbury: Darton, Harvey, and Darton/ Josiah Conder, 1814
11th edn. London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, and Josiah Conder, 1814
8th edn. London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, 1814
London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, [1814]
Andover [MA]: printed by Flagg and Gould, 1814
7th edn. London: Josiah Conder, and Darton, Harvey, and Darton, Taylor and Hessey, and Conder and Jones, 1815
4th edn. Boston: Lincoln and Edmands, 1815
15th edn. London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, and J. Conder, 1815
Utica [NY]: Camp, Merrell, and Camp, 1815
Andover [MA]: printed by Flagg and Gould, 1815
London: Taylor and Hessey, and Josiah Conder, 1816
Boston/ New York/ Philadelphia: Wells and Lilly/ Van Winkle and Wiley/ M. Carey, 1816
2nd edn. London: Taylor and Hessey, and Josiah Conder, 1816
8th edn. London: Josiah Conder, Darton, Harvey and Darton, and Taylor and Hessey, 1816
Newburyport [MA]: W. B. Allen and Co., 1816
4th edn. London: J. Conder and W. Kent, 1816
Philadelphia: Solomon W. Conrad, 1816
London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, 1816
3rd edn. London: Taylor and Hessey, and Josiah Conder, 1817
9th edn. London: Josiah Conder, and Darton, Harvey, and Darton, and Taylor and Hessey, 1817
Denio and Phelp's 1st edn. Greenfield MA: Denio and Phelps, 1817
17th edn. London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, and J. Conder, 1817
London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, 1818
10th edn. London: Josiah Conder, and Darton, Harvey, and Darton, and Taylor and Hessey, 1818
New Haven [CT]: Sydney's Press, 1818
Boston: Munroe and Francis, and David Francis, 1818
Boston: Lincoln and Edmands, 1818
New York: S. Wood and Sons, 1818
18th edn. London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, and J. Conder, 1818
14th edn. London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, and J. Conder, 1818
10th edn. London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, 1818
11th edn. London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, and J. Conder, 1818
London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, [1818]
11th edn. London: B. J. Holdsworth, and Darton, Harvey, and Darton, 1819
Boston: Benjamin Crocker, 1819
Hanover [NH]: printed by Charles Spear, 1819
New York/ Baltimore: Samuel Wood and Sons/ Samuel S. Wood and Co., 1819
15th edn. London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, and J. Conder, 1819
4th edn. London: Taylor and Hessey, 1820
Hartford [CT]: Oliver D. Cooke, 1820
17th New England edn. Hartford [CT]: Oliver D. Cooke, 1820
12th edn. London/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow: B. J. Holdsworth, Harvey and Darton/ W. Oliphant/ Chalmers and Collins, 1820
Canandaigua [NY]: printed by J. D. Bemis and Co., 1820
Hartford [CT]: printed by Geo. Goodwin and Sons, 1820
New Haven [CT]: J. Babcock and Son, 1820
Newburgh[ NY]/ Catskill [NY]: Uriah C. Lewis/ Junius S. Lewis, 1820
Hartford [CT]: S. G. Goodrich, 1820
12th edn. London: Harvey and Darton, and J. Conder, 1820
13th edn. London/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow: B. J. Holdsworth, and Harvey and Darton/ W. Oliphant/ Chalmers and Collins, 1821
New-Haven [CT]/ Charleston [SC]: John Babcock and Son/ S. and W. R. Babcock, 1821
14th edn. London/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow/ Dublin: B. J. Holdsworth, and Harvey and Darton/ W. Oliphant/ Chalmers and Collins/ R. M. Tims, 1822
London: G. and W. B. Whittaker, and B. J. Holdsworth, 1822
14th edn. London: Harvey and Darton, 1822
London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, 1823
15th edn. London/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow/ Dublin: B. J. Holdsworth, and Harvey and Darton/ W. Oliphant/ Chalmers and Collins/ R. M. Tims, 1823
[4th edn.] Andover [MA]: American Tract Society, 1823
Stereotype edn. London: for the authors by B. J. Holdsworth, [1823?]
New York/ Baltimore: Samuel Wood and Sons/ Samuel S. Wood and Co., 1823
Canandaigua [NY]: printed by J. D. Bemis and Co., 1824
16th edn. London: Harvey and Darton, 1824
5th edn. London: Taylor and Hessey, 1825
Boston: Lincoln and Edmands, 1825
16th edn. London/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow/ Dublin: B. J. Holdsworth/ W. Oliphant/ Chalmers and Collins/ R. M. Tims, 1825
17th edn. London/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow/ Dublin: J. Holdsworth/ W. Oliphant/ Chalmers and Collins/ R. M. Tims, 1825
23rd edn. London: Harvey and Darton, 1825
New York: E. Bliss and E. White, John P. Haven, Collins and Hannay, G. and C. Carvill, and Collins and Co., 1826
18th edn. London/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow/ Dublin: B. J. Holdsworth/ W. Oliphant/ Chalmers and Collins/ R. M. Tims, 1826
New Haven [CT]: Sidney's Press, 1826
5th edn. Andover: American Tract Society, 1826
Wendell MA: J. Metcalf, 1826
Boston/ Newburyport [MA]/ New York/ Philadelphia/ Baltimore: Crocker and Brewster/ Samuel N. Tenney/ John P. Haven, G. and C. Carvill/ W. W. Woodward/ Cushing and Jewett, 1826
24th edn. London: Harvey and Darton, 1826
London: Darton, Harvey, and Darton, [1826]
New York/ Jamaica, Long Island [NY]: G. and C. Carvill, E. Bliss, and John P. Haven/ printed by Sleight and George, 1827
New York: Mahlon Day, 1827
Hallowell [ME]: Glazier and Co., 1827
22nd edn. London: Harvey and Darton, 1827
19th edn. London: Harvey and Darton, 1827
Black Rock [NY]: printed by Smith H. Salisbury, 1827
20th edn. London/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow/ Dublin: Holdsworth and Ball/ W. Oliphant/ W. Collins/ R. M. Tims, 1828
Philadelphia: American Sunday School Union, 1828
2nd Hallowell edn. Hallowell [ME]: Glazier and Co., 1828
23rd edn. London: Harvey and Darton, 1828
26th edn. London: Harvey and Darton, 1828
20th edn. London: Harvey and Darton, 1828
21st edn. London: Harvey and Darton, 1828
Hartford [CT]: Oliver D. Cooke, 1829
21st edn. London/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow/ Dublin: Holdsworth and Ball/ W. Oliphant/ W. Collins/ R. M. Tims, 1829
22nd edn. London: Harvey and Darton, 1829
4th edn. London: John Taylor and Houlston and Son, 1830
22nd edn. London/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow/ Dublin: Holdsworth and Ball/ W. Oliphant/ W. Collins/ R. M. Tims, 1830
New York: American Tract Society, [1830]
London: Holdsworth and Ball, 1830
Philadelphia: L. B. Clarke, 1830
From the 4th London edn. Boston: Perkins and Marvin, 1831
[London]: Holdsworth and Ball, 1831
23rd edn. London: Harvey and Darton, 1831
New York: Mahlon Day, 1831
From the 4th London edn. Boston : Perkins and Marvin, 1832
24th edn. London/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow/ Dublin: Holdsworth and Ball/ W. Oliphant/ W. Collins/ R. M. Tims, 1832
Philadelphia: American Sunday School Union, 1832
29th edn. London: Harvey and Darton, 1832
25th edn. London: Harvey and Darton, 1832
New edn. Boston: C. D. Strong, 1832
New York: Mahlon Day, 1832
Boston/ Philadelphia: Perkins and Marvin/ French and Perkins, 1832
26th edn. London: Darton and Harvey, 1833
New edn. Boston: Water Street Bookstore, 1833
25th edn. London: Jackson and Walford, 1834
26th edn. London: Jackson and Walford, 1834
27th edn. London: printed by Darton and Harvey, 1834
Philadelphia: Thos. T. Ash, 1834
26th edn. London: Darton and Harvey, 1834
Boston/ Philadelphia: Perkins, Marvin, and Co./ Henry Perkins, 1835
27th edn. London: Jackson and Walford, 1835
New edn. London: Darton and Harvey, 1835
Philadelphia: L. B. Clarke, 1835
25th edn. Philadelphia: John Grigg, 1835 [the cover of this copy is dated 1836]
27th edn. London: Darton and Harvey, 1835
New York/ Boston: Saxton and Miles/ Saxton and Peirce, [1835]