Author: Cowper, Maria Frances Cecilia
COWPER, Maria Frances Cecilia, formerly Madan (1726-97: Hollis)
Daughter of Colonel Martin Madan and his wife Judith (Cowper) Madan, and cousin of the poet William Cowper (q.v.), who assisted in the revision of her religious verse. She married another cousin, also called William Cowper; they lived in Hertfordshire and had seven children. (William Cowper, Letters and Prose Writings I [1979] xxxv-xl; RPW) HJ
Other Names:
- Mrs. Cowper
Books written (6):
London: J. Deighton, J. Mathews, and R. Faulder, 1792
Philadelphia: printed by William Young, 1793
2nd edn. London/ Cambridge: Mathews and Leigh, and R. Faulder/ J. Deighton, 1807
Newark [NJ]: printed by E. B. Gould, 1808
3rd edn. London: Mathews and Leigh, and Crosby and Co., 1810
3rd edn. London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, [1810]