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Author: BURNS, Robert


BURNS, Robert (1758-96: ODNB)

Poet, farmer. Born at Alloway, Ayrshire, he was the eldest child of William Burnes [sic], a tenant farmer, and Agnes (Brown) Burnes. His father could read and write; his mother and a widowed cousin who lived with the family were illiterate but proved to be fertile sources for the ballads, stories, and songs which inspired him. Despite ongoing and often severe financial woes, William ensured that his son was educated, and by 1774 Burns was beginning to compose songs. In 1776 the family moved to Lochlie, near Tarbolton, where Burns worked as a ploughboy while continuing to widen his reading, write poetry, romance the local girls, and learn to play the fiddle. He moved to Irvine where a friend, Richard Brown, was the first to encourage him to think of publishing his poetry. In 1781 he became a freemason which widened his social contacts. Returning to Locklie shortly before his father’s death in 1784, Burns began more systematically developing his poetic talent, keeping a commonplace book and experimenting with various poetic forms, notably “Standard Habbie,”  a six-line stanza which came to be identified with his name. While Burns and his brother struggled to maintain a farm together, he also fathered at least one illegitimate child for which he and the woman were punished as fornicators by the church. Another woman, Jean Armour, became pregnant by him, but she was exiled to Paisley by her father and, in desperation, Burns applied to sail for Jamaica. However, when his first published volume of poems was issued by subscription and Jean Armour gave birth to twins, he resolved on staying in Scotland. Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect sold out within a month and introduced Burns to numerous influential supporters and admirers when he undertook a tour of Scotland in 1787. In 1788 he trained as an excise officer and, despite multiple other dalliances (some of which produced children), finally married Jean Armour. After farming for a time at Ellisland, they moved to Dumfries where Burns, working as an excise officer, was very involved with collecting songs for James Johnson’s The Scots Musical Museum (1787-1803). His final years were marked by ill-health and episodic return of the depression which had plagued him throughout his life. He died at home of heart disease. Jean gave birth to the last of his children, the short-lived Maxwell, on the day of his funeral at St. Michael’s, Dumfries. Following his death, poems that had been only privately circulated during his life were published and two major collections, edited by James Currie (1800) and by R. H. Cromek (1808), were issued. Through the application of a teacher in Dumfries, Mr. T. White, Jean was awarded a total of £45 by the RLF in 1796.  (ODNB 25 May 2018; RLF file 46) SR


Other Names:

  • Burns

Books written (300):

Kilmarnock: John Wilson, 1786
Dublin: William Gilbert, 1787
Edinburgh: for the author by William Creech, 1787
3rd edn. London/ Edinburgh: A. Strahan and T. Cadell/ W. Creech, 1787
Philadelphia: Peter Stewart and George Hyde, 1788
Belfast: William Magee, 1790
Dublin: William Gilbert, 1790
Belfast: printed by William Magee, 1793
2nd edn. Edinburgh/ London: William Creech/ T. Cadell, 1793
New edn. Edinburgh/ London: William Creech/ T. Cadell, 1794
London: Printed by J. Roach, at the Britannia Printing Office: Weburn Street, New Drury Theatre Royal, 1794[-95]
New edn. Edinburgh/ London: William Creech/ T. Cadell, Jr., and W. Davies, 1797
New edn. Edinburgh/ London: William Creech/ T. Cadell, Jr., and W. Davies, 1798
"From the latest European edition" Philadelphia: printed by Patterson and Cochran, 1798
Glasgow: Stewart and Meikle, [1799?]
Glasgow: Stewart and Meikle, [1799?]
New edn. Edinburgh/ London: W. Creech/ T. Cadell, Jr., and W. Davies, 1800
Belfast: printed by William Magee, 1800
Liverpool/ London/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow/ Aberdeen/ Dumfries/ Perth/ Ayr: Merritt and Wright, W. Robinson, W. Harding, and E. Rushton/ T. Cadell, Jr., and W. Davies/ W. Creech, Bell and Bradfute, P. Hill, and Manners and Miller/ Brash and Reid, and J. Murdoch/ J. Brown/ W. Boyd, J. Morrison, J. Forsyth, 1800
Edinburgh: Oliver, 1801
New edn. Berwick upon Tweed/ Edinburgh: printed by H. Richardson/ David Forbes, 1801
Edinburgh: James Robertson, 1801
New edn. Glasgow: printed by Thomas Duncan, 1801
New edn. Montrose/ Aberdeen: Da. Buchanan/ W. Mortimer, 1801
Berwick upon Tweed / Boston: printed by H Richardson/ J. White and Co., [1801?]
New edn. after the Berwick upon Tweed edn. Boston: J. White and Co., [1801]
Berwick [the accompanying engraved pages also mention Edinburgh]: J. Taylor [the accompanying engraved pages also mention David Forbes], 1801
2nd edn. London/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow/ Aberdeen/ Dumfries/ Perth/ Ayr/ Liverpool: T. Cadell, Jr., and W. Davies/ W. Creech, Bell and Bradfute, P. Hill, and Manners and Miller/ Brash and Reid, and Dunlop and Wilson/ A. Brown/ W. Boyd/ J. Morrison/ J. Forsyth/ Merritt and Wright, W. Robinson, W. Harding, and E. Rushton, 1801
Crerar's edn. Kirkaldy: printed by J. Crerar, 1802
Air [Ayr]: printed by J. and P. Wilson, 1802
Dundee: printed by F. Ray, 1802
3rd edn. London/ Edinburgh: Cadell and Davies/ Creech, 1802
Edinburgh/ Arbroath: the booksellers/ printed by J. Findlay, 1803
Edinburgh: printed by Oliver and Co., 1803
Dublin: [no publisher: printed by N. Kelly], 1803
New edn. London/ Arbroath: A. Cleugh/ printed by J. Finlay, 1803
4th edn. London/ Edinburgh: T. Cadell and Davies/ W. Creech, 1803
Dublin: printed for the booksellers, [1804?]
Cork: [no publisher: printed by A. Edwards], 1804
Wilmington [DE]/ Baltimore: Bonsal and Niles/ Bonsal and Niles, 1804
Edinburgh/ Glasgow: printed by John Turnbull/ Cameron and Co., 1804
Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson, Jacob Johnson, and Robert Johnson, 1804
Philadelphia: William Fairbairn, 1804
Edinburgh: printed by J. Robertson, 1805
Edinburgh/ Belfast: Denham and Dick/ Archer and Ward, 1805
Edinburgh/ Dalkeith: Denham and Dick/ John McIntosh, 1805
New edn. Edinburgh: printed by Olive[r] and Co., 1806
5th edn. London/ Edinburgh: T. Cadell and W. Davies/ W. Creech, 1806
Edinburgh/ Stirling: printed by Abernethy and Walker/ W. Anderson, 1807
Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, [1807]
London: J. Sharpe and W. Suttaby, 1807 [reissued in 1808]
Edinburgh: Johnstone, 1807
New edn. Belfast: Simms and McIntyre, 1807
Musselburgh: Findlay, 1808
[Edinburgh]: 1808
Paisley: Smith, 1808
Alnwick: printed by William Davison, [1808--only Volume II is dated]
New edn. Belfast: Simms and McIntyre, 1808
Philadelphia/ New York/ Baltimore/ Boston: Brandford and Inskeep/ Inskeep and Bradford/ Coale and Thomas/ Oliver C. Greenleaf, 1809
2nd edn. Glasgow: printed by Thomas Duncan, 1809
Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1809
Alnwick: Davison, 1810
Edinburgh: the trustees of the late James Morison, 1811
Newcastle: Angus, 1811
Baltimore: A. Miltenberger, 1812
Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1812
New edn. Alexandria [VA]: printed by John A. Stewart, 1813
Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, [1813]
Edinburgh: Don and Grant, 1813
London: Suttaby, Evance, and Fox, Sharpe and Hailes, Taylor and Hessey, and R. Jennings, 1813
Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, [1813?]
7th edn. London/ Edinburgh: T. Cadell and W. Davies/ W. Creech, 1813
Edinburgh: Don and Grant, 1814
New edn. Edinburgh: Macredie, Skelly, Muckersy, 1815
Baltimore: F. Lucas, Jr., and J. Cushing, 1815
Edinburgh: Doig and Stirling, 1815
[Edinburgh]: Sawers, 1815
Edinburgh: Don and Grant, 1815
Glasgow: T. Duncan, [1815?]
Baltimore : F. Lucas, Jr. and J. Cushing, 1815
London/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow/ Dublin: Gale and Fenner/ Oliver and Boyd/ W. Turnbull/ John Cumming, 1815
Dublin: Findlay, 1816
Edinburgh: [1816]
Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, [1816]
Glasgow: Somerville, 1816
London: Cadell and Davies, 1816
London/ Edinburgh: 1816
Baltimore: F. Lucas, Jr., and J. Cushing, 1816
New edn. Montrose: [no publisher; printed by Smith and Hill], 1816
Kirkcaldy: Morison, 1817
London: Cadell and Davies, 1817
London/ Edinburgh/ Aberdeen: T. Cadell and W. Davies/ A. Constable and Co., Manners and Miller, John Fairburn, Adam Black, and W. Blackwood/ G. Clark, 1817
New edn. Edinburgh: William Sawers, 1818
Dublin: Pickering, 1819
Air [Ayr]: printed by Wilson, McCormick and Carnie, 1819
Glasgow: Sommerville, 1819
London: Offor, 1819
New edn. Montrose/ London/ Edinburgh: J. Smith/ J. Bumpus/ Ogle, Allardice, and Thomson, Oliver and Boyd, and Macredie, Skelly and Co., 1819
London/ Edinburgh: William Allason and J. Maynard/ W. Blair, 1819
Edinburgh/ Glasgow/ London: James Robertson, Stirling and Slade/ Reid and Henderson/ G. and W. B. Whittaker, 1819
Norwich/ London: John Stacy/ Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, G. W. and B. Whitaker, Darton and Harvey, Edwards and Knibb, 1820
Edinburgh: Nelson, 1820
Edinburgh: Peat, 1820
8th edn. London/ Edinburgh/ Aberdeen: T. Cadell and W. Davies/ A. Constable and Co., Manners and Miller, Fairbairn and Anderson, A. Black, and W. and C. Tait/ G. Clark, 1820
Edinburgh: Ogle, Allardice, and Thomson, and Stirling and Slade, 1820
Chiswick/ London/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow: printed by C. Whittingham/ Jennings, T. Tegg, and A. K. Newman and Co./ J. Sutherland/ Richard Griffin and Co., 1821
London: Baynes, 1821
Newcastle: Mackenzie and Dent, 1821
Glasgow/ Edinburgh: Khull, Blackie, and Co./ Archibald Fullerton and Co., 1821
New edn. London: Dean and Munday, 1821
New York/ Richmond VA: R. and W. Bartow/ W. A. Bartow and Co., 1821
London: printed for the editor by Richards and Co., 1821
New York/ Richmond [VA]: R. and W. A. Bartow/ W. A. Bartow and Co., 1821
London/ Bath/ Liverpool/ Carlisle/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow/ Dublin/ Paris: John Bumpus, Walker and Co., and W. Sharpe/ E. Barrett/ J. Reilly/ Arthur/ T. Nelson, and Stirling and Slade/ Lumsden and Son/ Le Grange/ Galignani, 1822
London/ Edinburgh: Cadell and Davies/ Black, 1822
London/ York: the booksellers/ J. Kendrew, 1822
London: John Sharp, 1823 [the half-title of this copy is dated 1824]
Glasgow/ Edinburgh/ London: James Lumsden and Co./ William Blackwood/ Longman and Co., 1823
London: Sherwin, 1823
New edn. London: Jones and Co., 1823
London/ Edinburgh: T. Cadell/ A. Constable and Co., Manners and Miller, John Fairburn, Adam Black, W. Blackwood, W. and C. Tait, and J. Anderson, Jr., 1823
London/ Edinburgh: T. Cadell/ A. Constable and Co., Manners and Miller, John Fairbairn, Adam Black, W. Blackwood, W. and C. Tait, and J. Anderson, Jr., 1823
New edn. Montrose/ London/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow: printed by David Hill/ the booksellers/ the booksellers/ the booksellers, 1823
London: printed by Richard Edwards, 1824
London/ Glasgow/ Dublin: John Bumpus, T. Bult, Hailes, Clarke, Bossange and Co./ R. Griffin and Co./ J. Cumming, 1824
New edn. New York: S. King, 1824
London: Allman, 1824
New York: W. A. Bartow, 1824
New edn. London/ Dublin/ Glasgow: Thomas Tegg, Rodwell and Martin, and R. Jennings/ R. Milliken and J. Cumming/ R. Griffin and Co., 1824
New edn. Montrose/ Aberdeen: printed by D. Hill/ George Clark, 1824
Auld Reekie [Edinburgh]: Willlie Smith, 1825
Falkirk: printed by T. Johnston, [1825?]
London: Jones, 1825
London: Allman, 1825
Aberdeen: Clark, 1825
Glasgow/ Edinburgh: Imray/ Dick, 1825
London/ Glasgow/ Dublin: Thomas Tegg/ R. Griffin and Co./ J. Cumming, [1826?]
Philadelphia/ Washington [DC]: A. R. Poole/ P. Thompson, 1826
Newcastle: Mackenzie and Dent, 1826
[Dove's English Classics.] London/ England/ Scotland/ Ireland: J. F. Dove/ the booksellers/ the booksellers/ the booksellers, 1826
London: Jones, 1827
New edn. London: J. D. Bird, John Bumpus, and Sherwood and Co., 1827
New edn. 4 vols. complete in 1 Philadelphia: J. Crissy, 1827
London: R. B. Seeley and W. Burnside, 1828
Glasgow: Love, 1828
London: Smith, 1828
London: Jones, 1828
Edinburgh: Dick, 1828
New edn. from the last London edn. of 1825 Philadelphia: J. Crissy and J. Grigg, 1828
Chiswick/ London/ Glasgow: printed by C. Whittingham/ Thomas Tegg, N. Hailes, and Bowdery and Kerby/ Richard Griffin and Co., 1829
London/ Glasgow: Jones and Co./ printed by [Hutchison and Brookman], 1829
New edn. Philadelphia: J. Crissy and J. Grigg, 1829
London: William Pickering, 1830
Aberdeen: Clark, 1830
New edn. Philadelphia: J. Crissy and J. Grigg, 1830.
Philadelphia: J. Crissy and J. Grigg, 1831
London: James Gilbert, and Renshaw, Jones, and Kirkman, 1832
Belfast: Smyth, 1832
London: Jones, 1832
Edinburgh/ Glasgow: Thomas Nelson and Peter Brown/ printed by Hutchison and Brookman, 1832
New York: printed by William Pearson, 1832
New edn. Philadelphia: J. Crissy and J. Grigg, 1832
2nd edn. London/ Edinburgh/ Dublin/ Glasgow/ Liverpool/ Manchester: Adam Bell and Simpkin and Marshall/ W. and R. Chambers/ W. Curry, Jr., and Co./ J. McLeod/ Wilmer and Smith/ Bancks and Co., 1833
London: Smith, 1833
London/ Glasgow/ Dublin: Thomas Tegg/ R. Griffin and Co./ J. Cumming, [1834?]
Edinburgh: Stirling and Kenney, 1834
Dundee: Livingstone, 1834
Edinburgh: Nelson and Brown, 1834
London: Smith, 1834
Dunbar/ Haddington: William Miller/ printed by James Allan, 1834
Glasgow/ Edinburgh: Archibald Fullarton and Co./ Archibald Fullarton and Co., 1834
London: Cochrane and McCrone, 1834.
Boston: Hilliard, Gray, and Co., 1834
Glasgow: McCready, Thomson, [1835]
4th edn.; Diamond edn. London/ Edinburgh/ Dublin/ Manchester: Allan Bell and Co., and Simpkin and Marshall/ Oliver and Boyd/ Curry, Jr., and Co./ Bancks and Co., 1835
London: Smith, 1835
Glasgow/ Edinburgh: Archibald Fullarton and Co./ Archibald Fullarton and Co., 1835
Leipsic: Frederic Fleischer, 1835
New York: William Pearson, 1835
New edn. Philadelphia: John Locken, 1835