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Author: Maude, Thomas


MAUDE, Thomas (1718-98: ODNB)

He may have been born at Burley in Wharfdale, Yorkshire, although the ODNB says Downing Street, London. His father was Edmund Maude and his mother Priscilla (Gledhill) Maude. In 1746 he married Cordelia Charlton of Hendon, Middlesex, who was sixteen at the time; they had two daughters and a son. He entered the medical profession and was appointed a naval surgeon in 1755. In 1765 he became steward for the Yorkshire estates of Harry Powlett, the last duke of Bolton. Following the popular success of Wensleydale, he adopted the same formula to commemorate other picturesque Yorkshire locations. After Powlett’s death in 1794, the family moved to Wensley House, Wensley  (not Bolton Hall as stated in the ODNB). Maude died there and was buried in Wensley churchyard. (ODNB 14 Apr 2020; 14 Apr 2020) SR


Other Names:

  • T. Maude

Books written (8):

London: [no publisher: "for the benefit of the General Infirmary at Leeds"], 1771
2nd edn. London: [private: "for the Benefit of the General Infirmary at Leeds"], 1772
York/ London: [no publisher: printed at York by Blanchard], 1782
York/ London: Booksellers in York/ B. White; T. Becket; J. Walter, 1782
Leeds/ York/ London: J. Binns/ W. Tesseyman and J. Todd/ J. Johnson, 1791
4th edn. Leeds: for the benefit of the General Infirmary, 1798
4th edn. Richmond/ London/ Leyburn: T. Bowman/ Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown/ T. Fall, 1816