Author: Bowdler, Jane
BOWDLER, Jane (1743-84: ODNB)
She was born at Ashley, near Bath, the eldest child of Thomas Bowdler and his wife Elizabeth Stuart Cotton. She suffered a severe attack of smallpox in 1759 and never fully recovered. Bedridden from 1771, in her last years she was unable to speak. A selection from her literary remains, edited by her sister Henrietta Maria Bowdler (q.v.) and published for the benefit of the General Hospital at Bath, proved so popular that it was frequently reprinted. (RPW, ODNB 18 Dec. 2017) HJ
Other Names:
- Miss Bowdler
- Miss [Jane] Boudler
- the late Miss [Jane] Bowdler
Books written (22):
Bath/ London: printed by R. Cruttwell/ [Vol. II only] C. Dilly, 1786
2nd edn. Bath/ London: printed by R. Cruttwell/ C. Dilly, 1786
Dublin: printed by William McKenzie, 1787
3rd edn. Bath/ London/ New Edinburgh: printed by R. Cruttwell/ C. Dilley, J. Robson, and T. Hookham/ N. R. Cheyne, 1787
4th edn. Bath/ London/ New Edinburgh: printed by R. Cruttwell/ C. Dilly, J. Robson, and T. Hookham/ N. R. Cheyne, 1787
5th edn. Bath/ London/ New Edinburgh: printed by R. Cruttwell/ C. Dilly, J. Robson, and T. Hookham/ N. R. Cheyne, 1788
6th edn. Bath/ London/ New Edinburgh: printed by R. Cruttwell/ C. Dilly, J. Robson, and T. Hookham/ N. R. Cheyne, 1788
7th edn. Bath/ London/ Edinburgh: R. Cruttwell/ C. Dilly, J. Robson and T. Hookham/ N. R. Cheyne, 1793
8th edn. Bath/ London/ Edinburgh: printed by R. Cruttwell/ C. Dilly, J. Robson and T. Hookham/ N. R. Cheyne, 1793
9th edn. Bath/ London/ Edinburgh: printed by R. Cruttwell/ C. Dilly, J. Robson and Hookham/ N. R. Cheyne, 1797
10th edn. Bath/ London/ Edinburgh: printed by R. Cruttwell/ C. Dilly, J. Robson, and T. Hookham/ N. R. Cheyne, 1798
11th edn. Bath/ London/ Edinburgh: printed by R. Cruttwell/ Wilkie and Robinson, and Hatchard/ N. R. Cheyne, 1807
12th edn. Bath/ London/ Edinburgh: printed by R. Cruttwell/ Wilkie and Robinson, and Hatchard/ Cheyne, 1809
13th edn. Bath/ London/ Edinburgh: printed by Richard Cruttwell/ Wilkie and Robinson, and Hatchard/ Cheyne, 1811
1st American edn. from 11th English edn. New York: printed at the Office of the Economical School, 1811
11th edn. Dublin: printed by Espy and Cross, 1815
14th edn. Bath/ London/ Edinburgh: printed by Richard Cruttwell/ John Robinson, and Hatchard/ Cheyne, 1815
15th edn. Bath/ London/ Edinburgh: printed by Richard Cruttwell/ John Robinson, and Hatchard/ Cheyne, 1815
16th edn. Bath/ London: printed by Richard Cruttwell/ John Robinson, and Hatchard, 1819
London/ Edinburgh: William Baynes and Son/ H. S. Baynes and Co., 1824
From the 16th English edn. Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1827
17th edn. Bath/ London: printed by Frederick Collier Bakewell/ Cadell, Longman and Co., Hatchard , 1830