Author: CONWAY, Mr.
CONWAY, Mr. (fl 1774)
Nothing is known about this author. In 1791 J. D. Reuss identified the politician and army officer Henry Seymour Conway as the “Mr. Conway” who wrote The Depopulated Vale. However, the attribution is very doubtful: in 1774 Conway was very actively engaged in politics. In June 1774 he left London for a tour of the continent. That he would have written and published a poem on “the destructive consequences of engrossing small farms” (Prefatory letter) is unlikely. Only two reviews of the book have been found and both are very negative. (J. D. Reuss, Alphabetical Register [1791]; MR 50 [1774], 484; Westminster Magazine [1774], 336)
Books written (1):
London: Printed for W. Swift at his Circulating Library, Charles Street, St. James's Square, 1774