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Author: Smith, Jane


SMITH, Jane (fl 1790)

There is no extant copy of her one known publication on record, but MR has a long review with extensive quotations culminating in this couplet: “The bearded and the beardless, none can shun’t/ They that believe a God, and they that don’t.” All the information available about the book is in the review, including the full title (see book record) and the address of the author for whom it was printed, “Norfolk-Street, near Bandy-leg Walk, Borough [London].”  The reviewer, who is disdainful, translates Mrs. Smith’s claims to be “a professor of astrology” as meaning that she keeps a shop and tells fortunes. (MR 3 [1790], 220-2)


Other Names:

  • Mrs. Jane Smith

Books written (1):