Author: Broughton, Eliza
BROUGHTON, Eliza (fl 1796)
pseudonym Eliza
She published as “Eliza” in The Star newspaper, and her collection includes poems written by others in response to hers. The identification as Eliza Broughton is not certain; WorldCat lists Esther Milnes Day as an alternative (1752-92; she was the wife of Thomas Day), and the Bodleian Library has the author as Eliza Day, giving her birth year as “approximately 1734” and identifying her as the author of the 1798 Poems on Various Subjects (q.v. Eliza Day). It seems implausible that the two books were written by the same person: the poems are very different in style and subject matter. The 1796 volume, issued by well-known publishers in both Edinburgh and London, was critically well-received, making it somewhat unlikely that the author would resort to subscription publication for her next venture. Several of her poems indicate that she had some association with Ramsgate. (Lonsdale; WorldCat; Blain) SR
Other Names:
- Eliza