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Author: Arnould, Joseph


ARNOULD, Joseph (1813-86: ODNB)

He was the eldest surviving son of Joseph Arnould, MD, of Camberwell, Surrey, and his wife Elizabeth Smith. He was born at Camberwell on 8 Nov. 1813 and baptised at St. Giles, Camberwell, on 29 Dec. 1813. He was educated at the Charterhouse School and matriculated at Wadham College, Oxford, on 14 Oct. 1831 (BA 1836). He excelled academically and his Newdigate Prize poem, Hospice of St. Bernard, was recited in the Sheldonian Theatre before the Duke of Wellington. He was made a probationary fellow of Wadham in 1838 but resigned the fellowship on his marriage to Maria Ridgeway on 13 June 1841. Arnould was called to the bar at the Middle Temple on 19 Nov. 1841 and joined the home circuit. He had continued writing verse, some of which was published in Douglas Jerrold’s Weekly Newspaper. His Treatise on the Law of Marine Insurance and Average (1848) became the standard text on the subject. He was appointed to the supreme court of Bombay (later called the high court) in 1859 and was knighted in the same year. Maria died of fever and dysentery soon after their arrival in Bombay and on 28 May 1860 Arnould married Ann Pitcairn Carnegie; they had two daughters. He retired in 1869 and moved to Naples where he wrote Memoir of Thomas, First Lord Denman (1873) and two continuation volumes of Baron Campbell’s Lives of the Chief Justices (1876). He died at Florence on 16 Feb. 1886, survived by his second wife; he left an estate of £868. (ODNB 27 Sept. 2022; 27 Sept. 2022, 27 Jan. 2025; Alumni Oxonienses) SR


Books written (1):