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Author: Cowper, William


COWPER, William (1731-1800: ODNB)

He was born on 15 Nov. 1731 in the rectory at Berkhamsted to the Rev. John Cowper and his first wife, Ann (Donne) Cowper. His mother died in 1737. He attended Westminster School, where he seems to have been happy,  and was then articled to a solicitor in London: though it went against his inclinations, the family intended him to be a barrister. He fell in love with a cousin, Theadora Cowper, but her father refused to consent to their marriage. He was called to the bar in 1754 and moved from Middle Temple to chambers in the Inner Temple in 1757. But in 1764, the prospect of a public examination led him to attempt suicide and brought about the first of a series of breakdowns. For a time he was confined to a madhouse. He discovered consolation in evangelical religion and moved out of London, finding sanctuary in the home of a clergyman, Morley Unwin, and his family. When Unwin died in 1767, Cowper moved with his widow Mary and the rest of the family to Olney, in Buckinghamshire, where he remained for most of the rest of his life, supported with funds from his family and with friendship and encouragement from a handful of sympathizers. With the Rev. John Newton of Olney, Cowper collaborated on a celebrated collection of hymns, most of them his own composition. After a second breakdown in 1773, he became convinced that God had abandoned him; after the death of Mary Unwin in 1796, he seems to have lost interest in everything apart from occasional poetical work. He died in East Dereham, Norfolk, on 25 Apr. 1800 and was buried in St. Nicholas church. (ODNB 15 May 2018) SR


Other Names:

  • Cowper
  • Mr. Cowper
  • William Cooper
  • Wm. Cooper [Cowper]
  • Wm. Cowper

Books written (289):

London: W. Oliver, J. Buckland, and J. Johnson, 1779
2nd edn. London: [no publisher: "printed and sold by" Wilkins; Buckland; and Johnson, 1781
London: Johnson, 1782
3rd edn. London: [no publisher: "printed and sold by" Wilkins], 1783
2nd edn. London: Johnson, 1786
4th edn. London: Buckland; Johnson, 1787
Re-printed from the London edn New York: Wm. Ross, 1787
3rd edn. London: Johnson, 1787
4th edn. Dublin: printed by John Jones, 1787
5th edn. London: Buckland; Johnson, 1788
4th edn. London: Johnson, 1788
6th edn. New York: Hodge, Allen, and Campbell, 1790
5th edn. Dublin: [no publisher: printed by Jones], 1790
Philadelphia: William Young, 1791
Boston/ Worcester [MA]: D. West and E. Larkin, Jr./ I. Thomas, 1791
Dublin: Wogan; Byrne, Grueber [and many others], 1792
6th edn. London: Johnson, 1792
Philadelphia: printed by William Young, 1792
Salem [MA]: printed by Thomas S. Cushing, 1792
5th edn. London: Johnson, 1793
6th edn. London: Johnson, 1794
London: Printed by J. Roach, at the Britannia Printing Office: Weburn Street, New Drury Theatre Royal, 1794[-95]
London: Printed by J. Roach, at the Britannia Printing Office: Weburn Street, New Drury Theatre Royal, 1794[-95]
Burlington [NJ]: printed by Isaac Neale, 1795
6th edn. London: Johnson, 1795
6th edn. Philadelphia: printed by Thomas Dobson, 1795
Boston: William Spotswood, 1796
New York: Thomas Allen, 1796
New York: I. Patterson, I. Buel, and W. Knox, 1796
New York: R. Magill, C. Davis, T. Greenleaf, J. Harrison, N. Judah, C. Smith, S. Loudon, and A. Drummond, 1796
New edn. London: Johnson, 1797
6th [7th ] edn London: Johnson, 1797
New edn. Edinburgh: Murray and Cochrane, 1797
Philadelphia: printed by William Young, 1797
St. Andrew's: Morison, 1797
New edn. London: J. Johnson, 1798
New edn. London: J. Johnson, 1798
New edn. London: J. Johnson, 1798
New edn. London: J. Johnson, 1799
New edn. London: J. Johnson, 1800
New edn. London: J. Johnson, 1800
Newark/ London: printed by Holt and Hage/ R. Dutton and J. Booth, 1801
New edn. London: Johnson, 1801
New edn. London: J. Johnson, 1802
Boston: Manning and Loring, and E. Lincoln, 1802
2nd edn. Newport-Pagnel/ London: J. Wakefield/ T. Williams, 1802
Boston : Manning and Loring, and E. Lincoln, 1802
Chichester/ London: printed by J. Seagrave/ J. Johnson, 1803, 1804
New York: T. and J. Swords, 1803
New edn. London: J. Johnson, 1803
New edn. Dublin: Johnston, 1803
Philadelphia: Robert Johnson, 1803
Philadelphia: Robert Johnson, 1803
Albany [NY]/ Schenectady [NY]/ Utica [NY]/ Canandaigua [NY]: Whiting, Backus and Whiting/their stores, 1804
Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson, Jacob Johnson, and Robert Johnson, 1805
Whitehall [PA]/ Philadelphia: [no publisher]/ W. W. Woodward, 1805. [This copy is Volume VI in a made up set of 6 volumes entitled "Letters and Sermons, With a Review of Ecclesiastical History, and Hymns" (Philadelphia: William Young, 1792-6)]
2nd edn. London/ York/ Gainsborough: Crosby and Co., Champante and Whitrow/ Wilson and Spence/ Mozley, 1805
New edn. London: Johnson, 1805
7th edn. Dublin: Wogan, 1805
New edn. Chichester/ London: printed by J. Seagrave/ J. Johnson, 1806
8th edn. London: Johnson, 1806
New edn. London: J. Johnson, 1806
Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson, Jacob Johnson, and Robert Johnson, 1806
Philadelphia: Benjamin Johnson, Jacob Johnson, and Robert Johnson, 1806
1st Newburyport edn. Newburyport [MA]: W. and J. Gilman, 1807
New edn. Edinburgh: J. Fairbairn, Guthrie and Tait, and Ogle and Aikman, 1807
New edn. London/ Edinburgh: Johnson/ Murray and Cochrane, 1807
Bennington VT: printed by Anthony Haswell, 1808
Bennington VT: printed by Anthony Haswell, 1808
New York: printed by McFarlane and Long, 1808
Stereotype edn. London: J. Johnson, 1808
New edn. London: J. Johnson, 1808
Amherst [NH]/ Boston: Joseph Cushing/ Manning and Loring, and Lincoln and Edmands, 1808
New edn. Chichester/ London: printed by W. Mason/ J. Johnson, 1809
Middlebury VT: printed for the proprietor by J. B. Huntington, 1809
Philadelphia: H. and T. Kite, 1809
Salisbury: [no publisher: printed and sold by J. Easton; also sold by Hatchard], 1809
London/ Weybridge: J. Johnson, and Sharpe and Hailes/ printed by S. Hamilton, 1810
9th edn. London: J. Johnson, 1810
New York: Williams and Whiting, 1810
London: J. Johnson, 1810
London: John Sharpe, 1810
London/ Newcastle on Tyne: Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe, R. Scholey, and T. Tegg/ J. Mitchell, [1810?]
From the last London edn. New York/ Philadelphia/ New Haven [CT]/ Boston/ Portland [ME]/ Portsmouth [MA]: Williams and Whiting/ B. B. Hopkins, and Co./ Beers, Howe, and Co./ Farrand, Mallory, and Co./ Lyman, Mallory, and Co./ Charles Tappan, 1810
New York: Williams and Whiting and Co. and Samuel Whiting and Co., 1810-1811
London/ Cambridge/ York: J. Johnson, J. Nichols and Son, R. Baldwin, E. and C. Rivington, W. Otridge and Son, Leigh and Sotheby, R. Faulder and Son, G. Nichol and Son, T. Payne, G. Robinson, Wilkie and Robinson, C. Davies, T. Egerton, Scatcherd and Letterman, J. Walker, Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe, R. Lea, J. Nunn, Lackington, Allen, and Co., J. Stockdale, Cuthell and Martin, Clarke and Sons, J. White and Co., Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Cadell and Davies, J. Barker, John Richardson, J. M. Richardson, J. Carpenter, B. Crosby, E. Jeffery, J. Murray, W. Miller, J. and A. Arch, Black, Parry, and Kingsbury, J. Booker, S. Bagster, J. Harding, J. Mackinlay, J. Hatchard, R. H. Evans, Matthews and Leigh, J. Mawman, J. Booth, J. Asperne, P. and W. Wynne, W. Grace/ Deighton and Son/ Wilson and Son, 1810
New edn. London: Johnson and Co., 1811
Philadelphia: Bennett and Walton, 1811
10th edn. London: R. Ogle, 1812
Philadelphia: W.W. Woodward, 1812
New York: Whiting and Watson, 1812
New edn. London: J. Johnson and Co., 1812
New York: Whiting and Watson, 1812
London: S. A. Oddy, 1813
Boston: printed by J. Belcher, 1813
London: S. A. Oddy, 1814
London/ Weybridge: J. Johnson and Co., F. C. and J. Rivington, C. Law, Longman and Co., Cadell and Davies, B. and R. Crosby and Co., Black, Parry, and Co., J. Black, John Richardson, James Richardson, J. Hatchard, Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, R. Scholey, J. Booker, Suttaby and Co., Sharp and Hailes, Crodock and Joy, Gale, Curtis and Fenner, T. Hamilton, Cowie, and Co., and John Robinson/ printed by S. Hamilton, 1814
New York: David Huntington, 1814
London: Lewis, 1814 [1817]
New York: David Huntington, 1814
New edn. London: Whittingham and Arliss, 1815
11th edn. London: T. Hamilton, 1815
Liverpool/ London: printed by Henry Fisher/ 87 Bartholomew Close, [1815]
London/ Leeds: F. C. and J. Rivington, Law and Whitaker, Longman and Co., Cadell and Davies, Black, Parry, and Co., J. Black, John Richardson, J. Hatchard, Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, R. Scholey, J. Booker, Suttaby and Co., John Sharp, Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, Gale, Curtis, and Feener, T. Hamilton, R. Hunter, Cowie and Co., John Robinson/ Robinson, Son, and Holdworth, 1815
New edn. Liverpool: printed by Nuttall, Fisher, and Co., [1816]
New edn. "Juvenile Library" London/ Birmingham: Whittingham and Arliss/ Beilby and Knotts, 1816
London: W. Lewis and Co., 1816 [Volume II appeared in 1819]
Philadelphia/ [Whitehall PA]: Benjamin Johnson/ printed by [ A. Griggs and K. Dickinson], 1816
London: Sharpe, 1817
London: Williams, 1817
12th edn. London: T. Hamilton, 1817
Edinburgh: W. McWilliam and P. Brown, 1817
Chiswick/ London: printed by C. Whittingham/ R. Jennings, 1817
New edn. London/ Leeds: F. C. and J. Rivington, Law and Whitaker, Longman and Co., Cadell and Davies, Parry and Co., J. Black, John Richardson, James Richardson, J. Hatchard, Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, R. Scholey, J. Booker, Suttaby and Co., John Sharp, Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, Gale, Curtis, and Fenner, T. Hamilton, R. Hunter, Cowie and Co., John Robinson, and Simpkin and Marshall/ Robinson and Son, and Holdsworth, 1817
London: John Sharpe, 1817
London: John Sharpe, 1817
London: John Sharpe, 1817
New edn. London/ Leeds: F. C. and J. Rivington, Law and Whitaker, Longman and Co., Cadell and Davies, Black, Parry and Co., J. Black, John Richardson, James Richardson, J. Hatchard, Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, R. Scholey, J. Booker, Suttaby and Co., John Sharp, Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, Gale, Curtis, and Fenner, T. Hamilton, R. Hunter, Cowie and Co., John Robinson, and Simpkin and Marshall/ Robinson and Son, and Holdsworth, 1817
London: John Sharpe, 1818
Philadelphia: Thomas Desilver, 1818
12th edn. London: Ogles, Duncan, and Cochran, 1818
London: John Sharpe, 1818
New York: R. and W. A. Bartow, 1818
Durham: George Walker, 1818
Edinburgh/ York/ London: James Robertson/ Wm. Alexander/ Robert Scholey, 1818
Chiswick: C. Whittingham, 1818
Edinburgh/ London/ Glasgow/ Dublin: Oliver and Boyd/ Law and Whittaker/ W. Turnbull/ Johnston and Deas, 1818
Philadelphia: Thomas Desilver, 1818
Philadelphia: Thomas Desilver, 1818
6th edn. Philadelphia: D. Hannah, 1818
Chiswick/ London: printed by C. Whittingham/ T. Tegg, 1819
London: Thos. Kelly, 1819 [uniform with the 1816 edition published by Lewis]
London/ Liverpool: Sharpe, Bumpus, T. Samms, J. Warren, and J. Clarke/ J. Reilly, 1819
Rochdale/ London/ Burton-on-Trent/ Congleton/ Manchester/ Macclesfield/ Blackburn/ Bolton/ Bilston: Joseph Littlewood/ Law and Whittaker/ G. Scott/ L. Barlow/ Mrs. Richardson and Nuttall/ Crowder/ Wilcockson and Dumaline/ Gardner/ S. Bassford, [1820?]
Norwich/ London: John Stacy/ Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, G. W. and B. Whitaker, Darton and Harvey, Edwards and Knibb, 1820
5th edn. London: Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1820
London: T. Batchelar, [1820?]
5th edn. London: Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1820
11th edn. Berwick/ London/ Glasgow/ Aberdeen/ Elgin: W. Gracie/ R.Baynes/ T. Lochhead/ J. Maitland/ J. Maitland, 1820
New edn. London: Book Society for Promoting Religious Knowledge, [1820?]
London: Thos. Kelly, [1820?]
London: F. C. and J. Rivington, Longman and Co., Cadell and Davies, Black and Co., John Richardson, James Richardson, J. Hatchard and Son, Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, R. Scholey, J. Booker, Suttaby and Co., J. Sharpe, Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, G. and W. B. Whittaker, T. Hamilton, R. Hunter, Ogle and Co., Cowie and Co., John Robinson, Simpkin and Marshall, E. Edwards, C. Taylor, and Hurst, Robinson and Co., 1820
London: Hailes, Bumpus, 1820
Albany [NY]: D. Steele, 1820
Edinburgh/ Birmingham/ London: John Anderson, Jr., William Oliphant, David Brown, Waugh and Innes, Macredie and Co., and John Fairburn/ Beilby and Knotts/ T. Tegg, 1821
New edn. Norwich: John Stacey, 1821
New York/ Richmond VA: R. and W. A. Bartow/ W. A. Bartow and Co., 1821
Chiswick/ London/ Edinburgh/ Glasgow: printed by C. Whittingham/ R. Jennings, T. Tegg, A. K. Newman and Co./ J. Sutherland/ Richard Griffin and Co., 1821
Philadelphia: McCarty and Davis, 1821
London/ Liverpool: J. Bumpus, Share, Samms, and Warren/ Reilly, 1821
London/ Burton-upon-Trent: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown/ G. Scott, 1821
London: Cox and Son, 1822
New edn. London: Ogle, Duncan, 1822
London/ Chiswick: John Sharpe/ printed by C. Whittingham, 1822
London/ Chiswick: John Sharpe/ printed by C. Whittingham, 1822
Boston: Charles Ewer and Timothy Bedlington, 1823
London: John Bumpus, W. Baynes and Son, and T. Nisbet, 1823
New edn. London: Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Co., J. Booker, R. Hunter, Baynes and Son, R. Saunders, Simpkin and Marshall, and Hurst and Robinson, 1824
London: Jones and Co., 1824
London/ York/ Derby/ Dublin/ Edinburgh: W. Baynes and Son, J. Hearne, Whitmore and Fenn, Smith and Elder, J. Bain, W. Mason, Westley and Parrish, Lawler and Quick, T. Lester, W. Crawford, J. Arnould, R. Baynes, M. Iley, J. F. Stechel, A. B. Dulau and Co., W. Booth, E. Wheatley, R. Hoffman, J. Murray, G. Roake, H. Steel/ Wilson and Sons/ H. Mozley/ M. Keene, J. Cumming, C. P. Archer, and R. M. Tims/ J. Anderson, Jr., and H. S. Baynes and Co., 1824
London/ York/ Derby/ Dublin/ Edinburgh: W. Baynes and Son, J. Hearne, Whitmore and Fenn, Smith and Elder, J. Bain, W. Mason, Westley and Parrish, Lawler and Quick, T. Lester, W. Crawford, J. Arnould, R. Baynes, M. Iley, J. F. Setchel, A. B. Dulau and Co., W. Booth, E. Wheatley, R. Hoffman, J. Murray, G. Roake, and H. Steel/ Wilson and Sons/ H. Mozley/ M. Keene, J. Cumming, C. P. Archer, and R. M. Tims/ J. Anderson, Jr., and H. S. Baynes and Co., 1824
Glasgow/ Edinburgh/ Dublin/ London: Chalmers and Collins/ William Whyte and Co., and William Oliphant/ Wm. Curry, Jr., and Co./ and G. and W. B. Whittaker, 1824
London/ Glasgow: Tegg, Jennings/ Griffin, 1824
London/ [Chiswick]: John Sharpe/ printed by [C. and C. Whittingham], 1825
London/ [Chiswick]: John Sharpe/ printed by [C. and W. Whittingham, 1825
New edn. York/ London: W. Alexander and Son/ Harvey and Darton, 1825
London: James Duncan, 1825
London: Jones and Co., 1825
London: C. and J. Rivington, Longman and Co., T. Cadell, Kingsbury and Co., J. Richardson, J. M. Richardson, J. Hatchard and Son, Sherwood, Jones, and Co., R. Scholey, J. Booker, Suttaby and Co., J. Sharpe, Baldwin,Cradock, and Joy, G. B. Whittaker, Hamilton and Co., R. Hunter, J. Duncan, Cowie and Co., Hurst, Robinson, and Co., and Simpkin and Marshall, 1825
London/ Edinburgh/ Dublin: Allman/ Anderson/ Cumming, 1825
New York: S. King, 1825
2nd edn. Glasgow/ Edinburgh/ Dublin/ London: Chalmers and Collins/ William Whyte and Co., and William Oliphant/ R. M. Tims and Wm. Curry, Jr., and Co./ G. B. Whittaker, 1825
London: N. Hailes and John Bumpus, 1825
London/ Chiswick: John Sharpe/ printed by C. and C. Whittingham, 1825
London/ Chiswick: John Sharpe/ printed by C. and C. Whittingham, 1825
Philadelphia: Bennet and Walton, 1825
Boston: Timothy Bedlington, 1826
3rd edn. Glasgow/ Edinburgh/ Dublin/ London: William Collins/ Wm. Whyte and Co., and Wm. Oliphant/ R. M. Tims and Wm. Curry, Jr., and Co./ G. B. Whittaker, 1826
Philadelphia: Towar and Hogan, 1826
Stereotype edn. Boston: T. Bedlington, 1826
London: Allman, 1827
London: printed by Howlett and Brimmer, 1828
London: R. B. Seeley and W. Burnside, 1828
2nd edn. Glasgow: Maurice Ogle, 1828
Philadelphia: D. and S. Neall, 1828
2nd edn. Glasgow/ Edinburgh/ Dublin/ London: William Collins/ William Whyte and Co., and William Oliphant/ W. F. Wakeman, and William Curry, Jr., and Co./ Whittaker, Treacher and Arnot, Hamilton, Adams, and Co., Simpkin and Marshall, Baldwin, Cradock, and Hurst, Chance, and Co., 1829
2nd edn. Sheffield: Orton, [c. 1830]
3rd edn. Glasgow/ Edinburgh/ Dublin/ London: William Collins/ Oliver and Boyd, W. Whyte and Co., and W. Oliphant/ W. F. Wakeman, and Wm. Curry, Jr., and Co./ Whittaker, Treacher, and Arnot, Hamilton, Adams, and Co., and Hurst, Chance, and Co., 1830
3rd edn. Glasgow: D. Macvean, 1830
London: William Pickering, 1830
Chiswick/ London: [no publisher/ Arnold, Simpkin and Marshall, 1831
Chiswick/ London/ Glasgow: printed by C. Whittingham/ ThomasTegg/ Richard Griffin and Co., 1831.
Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson and Peter Brown, 1831
London: William Pickering, 1831
Baltimore: George McDowell and Son, 1831
New York: printed by J.H. Turney, 1831
London: Rivington, 1833
London: Reid, 1833.
Boston: the Water Street Bookstore, 1833
Glasgow/ London: Griffin/ Tegg, 1833
Boston: Water Street Bookstore, 1833
Edinburgh/ London/ Dublin: Fraser and Co./ Smith, Elder, and Co./ W. Curry, Jr. , and Co., 1834
Edinburgh/ London: Fraser and Co./ Smith, Elder, and Co., 1834
4th edn. Glasgow/ Edinburgh/ Dublin/ London: William Collins/ Oliver and Boyd, Wm. Whyte and Co., and Wm. Oliphant/ W. F. Wakeman and Wm. Curry, Jr., and Co./ Whittaker, Treacher, and Arnot, Hamilton, Adams, and Co., and Simpkin and Marshall, 1834
Banbury: J. G. Rusher, [1835?]
London: Jones and Co., 1835
4th edn. Glasgow/ Edinburgh/ Dublin/ London: William Collins/ Oliver and Boyd/ Wm. Whyte and Co., and Wm. Oliphant/ W. F. Wakeman, and Wm. Curry, Jr., and Co./ Whittaker, Treacher, and Arnot, Hamilton, Adams, and Co., and Simpkin and Marshall, 1835
New edn. New York: Charles Wells, 1835
London: Frederick J. Mason, 1835
Philadelphia: Joseph McDowell, 1835
2nd edn. Edinburgh/ London/ Dublin: Fraser/ Smith, Elder/ Curry, 1835
London: Saunders and Otley, 1835