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Detailed Entry: [Hannah More, William Cowper, John Gay, Piozzi, and others] Fables, and Moral Maxims, in Verse and Prose

Author(s) [Hannah More, William Cowper, John Gay, Piozzi, and others]
Unattributed Authorship No
Title Fables, and Moral Maxims, in Verse and Prose
Editor(s) or Translator(s) Anne Parker
Place(s) of Publication London
Publisher(s) John W. Parker
Publication Date 1835
Format 10 x 15.5 cm.
Pagination or volumes xvi + 272 [about 184 pages of verse]
Price 3/6
Library National Library of Scotland
Shelfmark Bn.7
Comment The introduction suggests that some of the unsigned pieces may be by Anne Parker.

This edition has been verified by examining the copy in the library with the shelfmark noted above.