Author: Day, Thomas
DAY, Thomas (1777-1855: WBIS)
One of the sons of Jeremiah and Abigail Day; his father was pastor of the Congregational Church in New Preston, where Thomas was born. He graduated from Yale in 1797, tutored briefly at Williams College, and was called to the bar in 1799. He established a practice in Hartford, where he led a busy professional life as Secretary of the State of Connecticut (1810-35) and as a judge in both the county court and the city court. He married Sarah Coit. From 1839 until his death, he was President of the Connecticut Historical Society. Not to be confused with the British writer Thomas Day (1748-89). (Appleton; 12 July 2018) HJ
Books written (1):
Litchfield [CT]: printed by T. Collier, [1797]