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Author: White, Henry Kirke


WHITE, Henry Kirke (1785-1806: ODNB)

Born at Nottingham, he was the third of six children of John White, a butcher, and his wife Mary Neville, daughter of a framework knitter. A Mrs. Garrington was his first teacher and she recognised his academic potential, as did the Rev. John Blanchard when White began studying at his school. At the age of about fourteen, he started work in the textile industry before beginning training in law offices in Nottingham. In the evenings, he studied classical and modern languages. He submitted verse to periodicals and was encouraged when he won prizes from the Monthly Receptor in 1800 and 1801. He hoped to raise money to study at university for the church by publishing Clifton Grove but was hurt by a negative review in the Monthly Review which responded to comments in his dedication and preface where he described his verse as the “unpremeditated effusions of a Boy.” When White wrote to complain, he received a more measured reply and the book attracted attention from Robert Southey (q.v.) who later edited the posthumous collection of White’s writings and wrote a memoir. Although he had failed to earn what was needed from his publication, White persisted in his desire to enter the church and was attracted in particular by evangelical Anglicanism.  Through George Simeon, he secured a sizarship at St. John’s, Cambridge, which he took up in 1805. He pushed himself relentlessly, hoping to win a scholarship, but he was already suffering from tuberculosis and, after a period of declining health, he died in his rooms in college. He was buried in All Saint’s churchyard, Cambridge. In his memoir, Southey described the moment of opening the large box of White’s unpublished writings and compared him to Thomas Chatterton as a genius who died tragically young. The posthumous collections of his poems and essays remained popular through the nineteenth century. (ODNB 29 Dec. 2020; Robert Southey, “Memoir,” in The Remains of Henry Kirke White of Nottingham [1807]) HJ


Other Names:

  • Kirke White

Books written (47):

London/ Nottingham: Vernor and Hood/ E. B. Robinson, J. Dunn, and others, 1803
London/ Cambridge/ Nottingham: Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe; Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme/ Dighton [Deighton]/ Dunn; Turpman, 1807
London/ Cambridge/ Nottingham: Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe, and Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme/ J. Deighton, T. Barrett, and J. Nicholson/ W. Dunn and S. Tupman, 1808
5th edn. London: Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, and Taylor and Hessey, 1811
1st American from the 4th London edn. Philadelphia: J. and A. Y. Humphreys, 1811
Boston: Samuel T. Armstrong, 1815
7th edn. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1816
8th edn. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1819
New York: Evert Duyckinck, 1820
9th edn. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1821
London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1822
10th edn. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1823
Boston: Timothy Bedlington, 1823
London: Jones and Co., 1824
London/ Derby/ Dublin/ Edinburgh: Baynes and Son, Smith, Elder, and Co., J. Bain, William Mason, T. Lester, J. Arnould, M. Iley, R. Baynes, J. Hearne, J. .F. Setchel, W. Booth, E. Wheatley, R. Hoffman, H. Steel, P. Wright/ Henry Mozley/ M. Keene, J. Cumming, S. P. Archer, and R. M. Tims/ H. S. Baynes, 1825
London/ Edinburgh/ Dublin: T. and J. Allman/ John Anderson, Jr./ John Cumming, 1825
London: William Clark, 1825
11th edn. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1825
Edinburgh/ Glasgow/ Greenock/ London: Stirling and Kenny, and Oliver and Boyd/ Reid and Henderson, and John Lumsden/ Daniel Weir/ Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1825
Stereotype edn. Glasgow: Richard Griffin and Co., 1825
London: printed for the proprietors of the English Classics by J. F. Dove, 1826
[Glasgow]/ London: printed by [Andrew and John M. Duncan]/ Jones and Co., 1826
Glasgow: Richard Griffin and Co., 1827
Boston: printed by Lyman Thurston and Co., 1829
London/ [Glasgow]: Jones and Co./ printed by [Hutchison and Brookman], 1829
Philadelphia: Carey and Lea, 1830
London: William Pickering, 1830
Philadelphia: Carey and Lea, 1831
Nurnberg [NY]/ New York: Frederick Campe and Co./ Frederick Campe and Co., [1831?]
Philadelphia: J. Grigg, 1832
Hartford CT/ Boston: Andrus and Judd/ stereoyped by David Hills, 1833
London: Scott, Webster, and Geary, 1834
Philadelphia: J. Grigg, 1834
Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson and Peter Brown, 1835
London: printed by [Leighton and Murphy], [1835?]