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Author: Unzer, Johanne Charlotte


UNZER, Johanne Charlotte (1724-1782: Gehring) formerly ZIEGLER

Born Johanna Charlotte Ziegleron 17 Nov. 1724 at Halle an der Saale, the daughter of a composer and church organist, Johann Gotthilf Ziegler (1688-1747) and his wife, Anna Elisabetha Krüger (1699-1751), Unzer was educated at home by private tutors. They included an uncle, John Gottlob Krüger (1715-1759), the moralist Georg Friedrich Meier (1718-1777), and medical scientist Johann August Unzer (1727-1799). She and Johann married in 1751. In the year of her marriage, she published an eloquent philosophical treatise for women, Grundriß einer Weltweißheit für das Frauenzimmer (2d edn 1767). Also in the year of her marriage, she moved with her husband to Altona, Hamburg, where they joined a liberal intellectual circle. In 1752, the University of Helmstedt named her poet laureate. She died at Altona on 29 Jan. 1782. Despite her importance as a poet and philosopher, no complete publication of hers has been translated into English. The Inquisitor (referenced in this database) is only loosely based on her work. (Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century German Philosophers online 29 Apr. 2023; T. Gehring, Johanne Charlotte Unzer-Ziegler [1973]) JC


Other Names:

  • J. C. Unzer

Books written (1):