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Detailed Entry: Hyman Hurwitz, of Highgate [and S. T. Coleridge] The Tears of a Grateful People, a Hebrew Dirge & Hymn . . . .

Author(s) Hyman Hurwitz, of Highgate [and S. T. Coleridge]
Unattributed Authorship No
Title The Tears of a Grateful People, a Hebrew Dirge & Hymn . . . .
Editor(s) or Translator(s) Trans. a friend [S. T. Coleridge]
Place(s) of Publication London
Publisher(s) T. Boosey and Sons, Lackington and Co., Burton, Hatchard and Law, Asperne, and H. Barnett
Publication Date [1820]
Edition 4th edn.
Format 13 x 20.5 cm.
Pagination or volumes 15 [the Hebrew text on the rectos, and the pagination in reverse order, the title-page being the last verso]
Price 2/-
Library British Library
Shelfmark C.52.e.7

This edition has been verified by examining the copy in the library with the shelfmark noted above.