Detailed Entry: [James Shurtleff] The Substance of a Late Remarkable Dream, in Which were Presented the Celestial Worlds and the Infernal Regions, with the Arch Enemy of Mankind . . . His Deep-laid Plot against the United States of America
Author(s) | [James Shurtleff] |
Unattributed Authorship | No |
Title | The Substance of a Late Remarkable Dream, in Which were Presented the Celestial Worlds and the Infernal Regions, with the Arch Enemy of Mankind . . . His Deep-laid Plot against the United States of America |
Place(s) of Publication | Hallowell ME |
Publisher(s) | printed by Peter Edes |
Publication Date | 1800 |
Format | 12.5 x 22 cm. |
Pagination or volumes | 16 |
Library | Brown (Hay) |
Shelfmark | Harris 76 S5629 |
Comment | The introduction is signed and dated: James Shurtleff, Litchfield, February 1800. |
This edition has been verified by examining the copy in the library with the shelfmark noted above.