Detailed Entry: The Silver Tail, a Tale. In Two Heroic Epistles, from Mr. S---Z, of the Exchequer, to Signora A**J**E; with Signora A****J**'s Answer to Mr. S***Z
Author(s) | [Anonymous and unattributed] |
Unattributed Authorship | Yes |
Title | The Silver Tail, a Tale. In Two Heroic Epistles, from Mr. S---Z, of the Exchequer, to Signora A**J**E; with Signora A****J**'s Answer to Mr. S***Z |
Place(s) of Publication | London |
Publisher(s) | Bladon |
Publication Date | 1775 |
Edition | 2nd edn. |
Format | 18 x 24 cm. |
Pagination or volumes | 16 |
Price | 1/- |
Reference | MR, LII, 456-7; NUC |
Library | Bodley |
Shelfmark | Firth d.3 (11) |
Comment | One epistle only; the "Answer" separately published |
This edition has been verified by examining the copy in the library with the shelfmark noted above.