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Detailed Entry: Dr. Samuel Johnson, [Alexander] Pope [and William Meikle] The Messiah: A Poem: In Twenty-four Spenserian Stanzas . . . . With Odes and Other Miscellaneous Poetical Pieces

Author(s) Dr. Samuel Johnson, [Alexander] Pope [and William Meikle]
Unattributed Authorship No
Title The Messiah: A Poem: In Twenty-four Spenserian Stanzas . . . . With Odes and Other Miscellaneous Poetical Pieces
Editor(s) or Translator(s) Trans. William Meikle
Place(s) of Publication Edinburgh/ Glasgow/ London
Publisher(s) William Oliphant and Son/ William Collins and George Gallie/ Hamilton, Adams, and Co.
Publication Date 1834
Format 9 x 14 cm.
Pagination or volumes 53
Library National Library of Scotland
Shelfmark 5.1081 (17)
Comment Previously published texts by Pope and (in Latin) by Johnson, with a new translation and other poems

This edition has been verified by examining the copy in the library with the shelfmark noted above.