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Detailed Entry: Robert Bloomfield The Farmer's Boy; a Rural Poem

Author(s) Robert Bloomfield
Unattributed Authorship No
Title The Farmer's Boy; a Rural Poem
Editor(s) or Translator(s) [Capel Lofft]
Place(s) of Publication London/ Bury/ Norwich/ Edinburgh/ Dublin
Publisher(s) Vernor and Hood, and T. C. Rickman/ Ingram and Dingle/ Booth/ Hill/ Archer and Dugdale
Publication Date 1800
Edition 3rd edn.
Format 9.5 x 15.5 cm.
Pagination or volumes xxxiv + 128
Library U. of Toronto (Robarts)
Shelfmark PR4149.B6F3.1800

This edition has been verified by examining the copy in the library with the shelfmark noted above.