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Detailed Entry: The Christian Psalmist; or, Hymns, Selected and Original

Author(s) [Anonymous and unattributed]
Unattributed Authorship Yes
Title The Christian Psalmist; or, Hymns, Selected and Original
Editor(s) or Translator(s) James Montgomery, author of The World before the Flood, Songs of Zion, The Christian Poet, etc.
Place(s) of Publication Glasgow/ Edinburgh/ Dublin/ London
Publisher(s) William Collins/ Oiver and Boyd, W. Whyte and Co., and W. Oliphant/ W. F. Wakeman and Wm. Curry, Jr., and Co./ Whittaker, Treacher, and Arnot, Hamilton, Adams, and Co., Simpkin and Marshall, Baldwin and Cradock, and Hurst, Chance, and Co.
Publication Date 1829
Edition 6th edn.
Format 7.5 x 14 cm.
Pagination or volumes 456
Library British Library
Shelfmark 3440.e.3

This edition has been verified by examining the copy in the library with the shelfmark noted above.