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Detailed Entry: Herbert Trevelyan [pseudonym] Snatches from Oblivion; being the Remains of the late Herbert Trevelyan, Esqr.

Author(s) Herbert Trevelyan [pseudonym]
Unattributed Authorship Yes
Title Snatches from Oblivion; being the Remains of the late Herbert Trevelyan, Esqr.
Editor(s) or Translator(s) Ed. Piers Shafton [pseudonym]
Place(s) of Publication London
Publisher(s) Hurst, Chance
Publication Date 1827
Format 20 cm.
Pagination or volumes xvii + 256
Reference WorldCat
Comment Prose and verse. The names of both author and editor are pseudonyms. An enlarged version of Pierce Shafton, Vagaries.

This edition is listed in the reference above. Its existence has not yet been verified by examining a copy.