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Detailed Entry: Thomas Gale Scripture Similitudes: Consisting of about 450 Short Poems, on Sacred Metaphors, Selected from the Holy Scriptures

Author(s) Thomas Gale
Unattributed Authorship No
Title Scripture Similitudes: Consisting of about 450 Short Poems, on Sacred Metaphors, Selected from the Holy Scriptures
Place(s) of Publication London
Publisher(s) Longman and Co., Baynes and Hamilton, Simpkin and Marshall, and Westley, Offor, Nisbet, Holdsworth, Wright, and the author
Publication Date 1821
Format 11.5 x19 cm.
Pagination or volumes xii + 144 [subscription edition]
Price 3/-
Library British Library
Shelfmark 11644.c.37
Comment Subscription list.

This edition has been verified by examining the copy in the library with the shelfmark noted above.