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Detailed Entry: The author of "The Cave of Morar" [John Tait] Poetical Legends: Containing the American Captive, and the Fatal Feud. To which is added, The Fall of Faction, a Poetical Vision.

Author(s) The author of "The Cave of Morar" [John Tait]
Unattributed Authorship No
Title Poetical Legends: Containing the American Captive, and the Fatal Feud. To which is added, The Fall of Faction, a Poetical Vision.
Place(s) of Publication London
Publisher(s) [no publisher: "printed and sold by" John Donaldson]
Publication Date 1776
Format 21 x 26.5 cm.
Pagination or volumes 48
Price 2/6
Reference CR, XLI, 405; BM
Library British Library
Shelfmark 634.k.12.(3.)
Comment Profits to go to sick and injured soldiers, and to the widows and orphans of soldiers "slain in America"

This edition has been verified by examining the copy in the library with the shelfmark noted above.