Detailed Entry: James Elphinston Forty Years' Correspondence between Geniusses ov Boath Sexes, and James Elphinston, in Six Pocket-Vollumes; Foar ov Oridginal Letters, Two' of Poetry
Author(s) | James Elphinston |
Unattributed Authorship | No |
Title | Forty Years' Correspondence between Geniusses ov Boath Sexes, and James Elphinston, in Six Pocket-Vollumes; Foar ov Oridginal Letters, Two' of Poetry |
Place(s) of Publication | London |
Publisher(s) | [no publisher; sold by Richardson and others] |
Publication Date | 1791 |
Format | 9.5 x 17 cm. |
Pagination or volumes | 6 vols (Vols 5-6 are verse) |
Price | 1/1/- sewed |
Reference | BM |
Library | British Library |
Shelfmark | 1454.b.11-16 |
Comment | Part of a campaign for spelling reform. Two further volumes published in 1794 contain no verse. |
This edition has been verified by examining the copy in the library with the shelfmark noted above.