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Detailed Entry: A lover of his country A Poetical Address to Almighty God. Supposed to be Delivered by His Most Sacred Majesty, George III. Occasioned by the Present Troubles in America . . .

Author(s) A lover of his country
Unattributed Authorship Yes
Title A Poetical Address to Almighty God. Supposed to be Delivered by His Most Sacred Majesty, George III. Occasioned by the Present Troubles in America . . .
Place(s) of Publication London
Publisher(s) [no publisher: "for the Author"]
Publication Date 1777
Format 19.5 x 26 cm.
Pagination or volumes iv + 12
Price 1/-
Reference CR, XLII, 474; ESTC
Library British Library
Shelfmark 643.k.6.(7.)

This edition has been verified by examining the copy in the library with the shelfmark noted above.